How to become an OpenSearch Project repo maintainer

As of March 2024, 113 GitHub repos in opensearch-project have 231 maintainers. What is their story? What are their responsibilities? In this session you will hear about the journeys of a couple of most active community maintainers, and learn about how to become a maintainer yourself.

Maintainers are active and visible members of the OpenSearch community, and have maintain-level permissions on a repository. With great power comes a lot of responsibilities: maintainers write code, but also use those privileges to serve the community, uphold the code of conduct, review pull requests, triage issues, provide feedback, and so much more. Ready to volunteer for more work and become a maintainer, but don’t know how? This talk is for you.


Tuesday, May 7 11:40am-12:20pm in Asgabat

Track: Community


Daniel Doubrovkine photograph

Daniel Doubrovkine

Principal Engineer - OpenSearch