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Creating and customizing AI search workflows in OpenSearch Dashboards

This tutorial shows you how to build automated AI search flows in OpenSearch Dashboards.

Prerequisite: Provision ML resources

Before you start, select and provision the necessary machine learning (ML) resources depending on your use case. For example, to implement semantic search, you must configure a text embedding model in your OpenSearch cluster. For more information about deploying ML models locally or connecting to externally hosted models, see Integrating ML models.

Step 1: Select your use case

To access OpenSearch Flow, go to OpenSearch Dashboards and select OpenSearch Plugins > OpenSearch Flow from the top menu.

OpenSearch provides preset templates for common use cases and a custom option for specialized implementations, as shown in the following image.

OpenSearch Flow template page

Preset templates include preconfigured settings that you can customize by specifying your model and input fields. For advanced or specialized requirements, select Custom to start with a blank configuration. This option gives you complete control over all settings, allowing you to customize your configuration. The following image illustrates a custom semantic search use case.

Step 2: Explore the Workflow Details page

After selecting the use case, the Workflow Details page appears, which contains the following main sections:

  1. Ingest and search configuration forms: Used to configure ingest and search pipelines. An example ingest configuration is shown in the following image.


  2. Preview workspace: A read-only visual helper that displays the flow of data and transformations during ingestion and search, as shown in the following image.


    Toggle to the JSON view for detailed configurations.

  3. Inspector: Similar to an integrated development environment (IDE), the Inspector displays workflow execution details, responses from the ingest/search operations, errors, and created resources, as shown in the following image.


  4. Buttons: Manage your workflow by undoing changes, saving progress, exporting the configuration, or exiting, as shown in the following image.


    Depending on your useNewHomePage OpenSearch Dashboards setting, these buttons may appear differently in your local system.

Step 3: Provide sample data

Begin by providing sample data in JSON array format. You can use the following options:

  • Manually input data.

  • Import from a file.

If you already have data and only need search functionality, skip this step by unchecking the Enabled checkbox.

For this example, you’ll manually input sample data for an e-commerce store. On the Import data page, select Upload and enter the following JSON data:

        "item_text": "red shoes",
        "item_price": 100
        "item_text": "blue sneakers",
        "item_price": 50
        "item_text": "purple high heels",
        "item_price": 150
        "item_text": "pair of jordans",
        "item_price": 250
        "item_text": "navy plaid shirt",
        "item_price": 35

Then select Save, as shown in the following image.


Step 4: Enrich your data

Enhance your data by configuring an ingest pipeline and chaining ingest processors. To view the list of supported processors, select Add processor. The available processors are displayed in the dropdown menu, as shown in the following image.


Select and configure an ML inference processor to embed the input text. In this example, your cluster contains a deployed Amazon Titan Text Embeddings model hosted on Amazon Bedrock. The model has a defined interface: it expects a single input called inputText and returns a single output called embedding. Thus, you must map the OpenSearch index data to model inputs and outputs. In Inputs, specify how to select data from the OpenSearch index and transform it into the expected model inputs. In Outputs, specify how to select the model outputs and transform them into new OpenSearch index fields. For example, you can specify a document field name or an expression using JSONPath to map a document field to a model input.

For this example, map the following fields:

  • Inputs: Map the item_text field to the inputText model input.

  • Outputs: Map the embedding model output to the my_embedding field.

This example configuration is shown in the following image.


This mapping is necessary for configuring the input_map and output_map configuration settings of the ML inference ingest processors.

Select Save to return to the form.

Advanced data transformations

For complex input data, you might need to use expressions to map the input data. For example, you can extract nested values using JSONPath. To use expression transformations, under Inputs, select Expression as the Input type, as shown in the following image.


Select Configure to open the Configure JSONPath expression dialog. In this example, you’ll use the nested description field as the model input. In the Expression field, enter $.item.description. Select Run preview to fetch the input data. The transformed value appears in the Extracted data field, as shown in the following image.


For models with defined JSON Schema interfaces, OpenSearch displays a marker indicating whether the transform is valid or invalid for the selected model field (in this case, inputText).

Step 5: Ingest data

Under Ingest data, select the Index name of the vector index. For vector search, verify that the following prerequisites have been met:

  • Vector fields are properly mapped with correct dimensions in Index mappings.

  • The vector index settings specify "index.knn": true in Index settings.

For more information, see Creating a vector index.

For built-in use cases, some of this information is automatically populated, as shown in the following image.


After configuration, select Build and run ingestion to create the index, configure the ingest pipeline, and bulk ingest sample data. The Inspector panel displays the OpenSearch response and any errors that occur, as shown in the following image.


Now that you’ve completed the ingest flow, you can configure a search by selecting Search pipeline >.

Step 6: Configure a query

Under Edit query, enter your query or select from the preset query options. Note: The index is already set to the one you’ve configured in the ingest flow. If you haven’t configured the ingest flow, select your vector index from the dropdown menu.

For semantic search, enter the following query in the Query field:

    "query": {
        "term": {
            "item_text": {
                "value": "shoes"

The query is shown in the following image.


Step 7: Enrich the query

You can enrich the query by configuring a series of processors—in this case, search request processors. Currently, only the ML inference processor is supported. For this example, you’ll configure an ML inference processor using the same Amazon Titan Text Embeddings model.

For this example, map the following fields:

  • Inputs: Map the inputText field to the query.term.item_text.value field in the query. OpenSearch will generate embeddings for this field.

  • Outputs: Map the embedding model output to the vector field, where OpenSearch will store the generated embeddings.

This example configuration is shown in the following image.


Next, update the query to use the generated vector embeddings by selecting Override query. Then select Choose from a preset and choose knn query, as shown in the following image.


Replace any placeholder values, such as ${vector_field}, with the corresponding vector field in your index. In this case, use the my_embedding field, which was configured during ingestion.

To reference the vector generated by the model, check the Model outputs section, where you’ll find a list of available outputs. Use the copy button on the right to copy a template variable and paste it into your query.

In this example, the ${vector} placeholder has already been set as the vector value in the k-NN query, so no further changes are needed. The final query should contain no placeholders except for dynamic model output variables, which will be populated at runtime, as shown in the following image.


Step 8: Enrich the query results

You can configure a series of search response processors to enrich or transform the returned matching documents. In this example, you won’t transform the output data. For example transformations, see configuration examples.

You have now configured the flow. Select Build and run query to build the search pipeline and run the search request against the index. The Inspector panel displays the OpenSearch response, as shown in the following image.


Step 10: Export the workflow

When you are satisfied with your workflow results, select Export to export the workflow template. The template contains the configuration details for your index, ingest pipeline, and search pipeline. The template also contains OpenSearch Dashboards metadata. You can copy the template in JSON or YAML format, as shown in the following image.


If you’re importing the template into a different cluster, update any cluster-specific IDs, such as model IDs.

You have now implemented semantic search using OpenSearch Flow, with all of the required resources bundled into a single template. You can import this template into the UI and rebuild it for different clusters or run the template directly using the Flow Framework Provision API.

The following sections contain additional OpenSearch Flow configuration examples.

This example demonstrates how to configure semantic search.

ML resources

Create and deploy an Amazon Titan Text Embeddings model on Amazon Bedrock.


Ensure that the index settings include index.knn: true and that your index contains a knn_vector field specified in the mappings, as follows:

    "settings": {
        "index": {
            "knn": true
    "mappings": {
        "properties": {
            "<embedding_field_name>": {
                "type": "knn_vector",
                "dimension": "<embedding_size>"

Ingest pipeline

Configure a single ML inference processor. Map your input text to the inputText model input field. Optionally, map the output embedding to a new document field.

Search pipeline

Configure a single ML inference search request processor. Map the query field containing the input text to the inputText model input field. Optionally, map the output embedding to a new field. Override the query to include a knn query, for example:

    "_source": {
        "excludes": [
    "query": {
        "knn": {
            "<embedding_field>": {
                "vector": ${embedding},
                "k": 10

Hybrid search combines keyword and vector search. This example demonstrates how to configure hybrid search.

ML resources

Create and deploy an Amazon Titan Text Embeddings model on Amazon Bedrock.


Ensure that the index settings include index.knn: true and that your index contains a knn_vector field specified in the mappings, as follows:

    "settings": {
        "index": {
            "knn": true
    "mappings": {
        "properties": {
            "<embedding_field_name>": {
                "type": "knn_vector",
                "dimension": "<embedding_size>"

Ingest pipeline

Configure a single ML inference processor. Map your input text to the inputText model input field. Optionally, map the output embedding to a new document field.

Search pipeline

Configure an ML inference search request processor and a normalization processor.

For the ML inference processor, map the query field containing the input text to the inputText model input field. Optionally, map the output embedding to a new field. Override the query so that it contains a hybrid query. Make sure to specify the embedding_field, text_field, and text_field_input:

    "_source": {
        "excludes": [
    "query": {
        "hybrid": {
            "queries": [
                    "match": {
                        "<text_field>": {
                            "query": "<text_field_input>"
                    "knn": {
                        "<embedding_field>": {
                            "vector": ${embedding},
                            "k": 10

For the normalization processor, configure weights for each subquery. For more information, see the hybrid search normalization processor example.

Basic RAG (document summarization)

This example demonstrates how to configure basic retrieval-augmented generation (RAG).

The following example shows a simplified connector blueprint for the Claude v1 messages API. While connector blueprints and model interfaces may evolve over time, this example demonstrates how to abstract complex API interactions into a single prompt field input.

A sample input might appear as follows, with placeholders representing dynamically fetched results:

  "prompt": "Human: You are a professional data analyst. You are given a list of document results. You will analyze the data and generate a human-readable summary of the results. If you don't know the answer, just say I don't know.\n\n Results: ${parameters.results.toString()}\n\n Human: Please summarize the results.\n\n Assistant:"

ML resources

Create and deploy an Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet model on Amazon Bedrock.

Search pipeline

Configure an ML inference search response processor using the following steps:

  1. Select Template as the transformation type for the prompt input field.
  2. Open the template configuration by selecting Configure.
  3. Choose a preset template to simplify setup.
  4. Create an input variable that extracts the list of reviews (for example, review).
  5. Inject the variable into the prompt by copying and pasting it into the template.
  6. Select Run preview to verify that the transformed prompt correctly incorporates sample dynamic data.
  7. Select Save to apply the changes and exit.

Multimodal search searches by text and image. This example demonstrates how to configure multimodal search.

ML resources

Create and deploy an Amazon Titan Multimodal Embeddings model on Amazon Bedrock.


Ensure that the index settings include index.knn: true and that your index contains a knn_vector field (to persist generated embeddings) and a binary field (to persist the image binary) specified in the mappings, as follows:

    "settings": {
        "index": {
            "knn": true
    "mappings": {
        "properties": {
            "image_base64": {
                "type": "binary"
            "image_embedding": {
                "type": "knn_vector",
                "dimension": <dimension>

Ingest pipeline

Configure a single ML inference processor. Map your input text field and input image field to the inputText and inputImage model input fields, respectively. If both text and image inputs are needed, ensure that both are mapped. Alternatively, you can map only one input (either text or image) if a single input is sufficient for embedding generation.

Optionally, map the output embedding to a new document field.

Search pipeline

Configure a single ML inference search request processor. Map the input text field and input image field in the query to the inputText and inputImage model input fields, respectively. If both text and image inputs are needed, ensure that both are mapped. Alternatively, you can map only one input (either text or image) if a single input is sufficient for embedding generation.

Override the query so that it contains a knn query, including the embedding output:

    "_source": {
        "excludes": [
    "query": {
        "knn": {
            "<embedding_field>": {
                "vector": ${embedding},
                "k": 10

Named entity recognition

This example demonstrates how to configure named entity recognition (NER).

ML resources

Create and deploy an Amazon Comprehend Entity Detection model.

Ingest pipeline

Configure a single ML inference processor. Map your input text field to the text model input fields. To persist any identified entities with each document, transform the output (an array of entities) and store them in the entities_found field. Use the following output_map configuration as a reference:

"output_map": [
        "entities_found": "$.response.Entities[*].Type"

This configuration maps the extracted entities to the entities_found field, ensuring that they are stored alongside each document.

Language detection and classification

The following example demonstrates how to configure language detection and classification.

ML resources

Create and deploy an Amazon Comprehend Language Detection model.

Ingest pipeline

Configure a single ML inference processor. Map your input text field to the text model input fields. To store the most relevant or most likely language detected for each document, transform the output (an array of languages) and persist it in the detected_dominant_language field. Use the following output_map configuration as a reference:

"output_map": [
              "detected_dominant_language": "response.Languages[0].LanguageCode"

Reranking results

Reranking can be implemented in various ways, depending on the capabilities of the model used. Typically, models require at least two inputs: the original query and the data to be assigned a relevance score. Some models support batching, allowing multiple results to be processed in a single inference call, while others require scoring each result individually.

In OpenSearch, this leads to two common reranking patterns:

  1. Batching enabled
    1. Collect all search results.
    2. Pass the batched results to a single ML processor for scoring.
    3. Return the top n ranked results.
  2. Batching disabled
    1. Collect all search results.
    2. Pass each result to the ML processor to assign a new relevance score.
    3. Send all results with updated scores to the rerank processor for sorting.
    4. Return the top n ranked results.

The following example demonstrates Pattern 2 (batching disabled) to highlight the rerank processor. However, note that the Cohere Rerank model used in this example does support batching, so you could also implement Pattern 1 with this model.

ML resources

Create and deploy a Cohere Rerank model.

Search pipeline

Configure an ML inference search response processor, followed by a rerank search response processor. For reranking with batching disabled, use the ML processor to generate new relevance scores for the retrieved results and then apply the reranker to sort them accordingly.

Use the following ML processor configuration:

  1. Map the document field containing the data to be used for comparison to the model’s documents field.
  2. Map the original query to the model’s query field.
  3. Use JSONPath to access the query JSON, prefixed with _request.query.

Use the following input_map configuration as a reference:

"input_map": [
      "documents": "description",
      "query": "$._request.query.term.value"

Optionally, you can store the rescored result in the model output in a new field. You can also extract and persist only the relevance score, as follows:

"input_map": [
      "new_score": "results[0].relevance_score"

Use the following rerank processor configuration: Under target_field, select the model score field (in this example, new_score).

Multimodal search (text or image) with a custom CLIP model

The following example uses a custom CLIP model hosted on Amazon SageMaker. The model dynamically ingests a text or image URL as input and returns a vector embedding.

ML resources

Create and deploy a Custom CLIP Multimodal model.


Ensure that the index settings include index.knn: true and that your index contains a knn_vector field specified in the mappings, as follows:

    "settings": {
        "index": {
            "knn": true
    "mappings": {
        "properties": {
            "<embedding_field_name>": {
                "type": "knn_vector",
                "dimension": "<embedding_size>"

Ingest pipeline

Configure a single ML inference processor. Map your image field to the image_url model input field or your text field to the text model input field, depending on what type of data you are ingesting and persisting in your index. For example, if building an application that returns relevant images based on text or image input, you want to persist images and should map the image field to the image_url field.

Search pipeline

Configure a single ML inference search request processor. Map the input image field or the input text field in the query to the image_url or text model input fields, respectively. The CLIP model flexibly handles one or the other, so choose the option that best suits your use case.

Override the query so that it contains a knn query, including the embedding output:

    "_source": {
        "excludes": [
    "query": {
        "knn": {
            "<embedding_field>": {
                "vector": ${embedding},
                "k": 10