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You're viewing version 1.0 of the OpenSearch documentation. This version is no longer maintained. For the latest version, see the current documentation. For information about OpenSearch version maintenance, see Release Schedule and Maintenance Policy.

Ship events to OpenSearch

You can Ship Logstash events to an OpenSearch cluster and then visualize your events with OpenSearch Dashboards.

Make sure you have Logstash, OpenSearch, and OpenSearch Dashboards.

OpenSearch output plugin

To run the OpenSearch output plugin, add the following configuration in your pipeline.conf file:

output {
  opensearch {
    hosts       => "https://localhost:9200"
    user        => "admin"
    password    => "admin"
    index       => "logstash-logs-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
    ssl_certificate_verification => false

Sample walkthrough

  1. Open the config/pipeline.conf file and add in the following configuration:

    input {
      stdin {
        codec => json
    output {
      opensearch {
        hosts       => "https://localhost:9200"
        user        => "admin"
        password    => "admin"
        index       => "logstash-logs-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
        ssl_certificate_verification => false

    This Logstash pipeline accepts JSON input through the terminal and ships the events to an OpenSearch cluster running locally. Logstash writes the events to an index with the logstash-logs-%{+YYYY.MM.dd} naming convention.

  2. Start Logstash:

     $ bin/logstash -f config/pipeline.conf --config.reload.automatic

    config/pipeline.conf is a relative path to the pipeline.conf file. You can use an absolute path as well.

  3. Add a JSON object in the terminal:

     { "amount": 10, "quantity": 2}
  4. Start OpenSearch Dashboards and choose Dev Tools:

     GET _cat/indices?v
     health | status | index | uuid | pri | rep | docs.count | docs.deleted | store.size |
     green | open | logstash-logs-2021.07.01 | iuh648LYSnmQrkGf70pplA | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 10.3kb | 5.1kb