
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Apr 12, 2021 • update

Welcome to OpenSearch news. In this section we plan to update the community on new developments and call attention to great things happening around OpenSearch.

Using fine grained access control for search

Oct 27, 2020 • technical-posts

Open Distro for Elasticsearch has extensive access control capabilities built right in. Of course, access control can prevent access to sensitive information, but it can also help you build applications...

Early November Community Meeting

Oct 26, 2020 • meetings

We’ve got a jam-packed agenda for this biweekly community meeting! Join us on Monday, November 2nd at 10am Pacific (UTC-7) on Zoom. Our focus topics will include:

Developer Advocacy with Open Distro for Elasticsearch

Oct 09, 2020 • community-updates

While Open Distro for Elasticsearch is an open-source, community-led project, we are gaining another full-time person devoted to the project (me). Before I start contributing and interacting with the community,...

Open Distro for Elasticsearch 1.10.1 is now available

Sep 30, 2020 • odfe-updates

We are pleased to announce the release of Open Distro for Elasticsearch 1.10.1. With this release we are adding support for several new features including a new command line interface...

Open Distro for Elasticsearch now Supports integration with Tableau and Microsoft Excel

Jul 29, 2020 • odfe-updates

We now facilitate connecting Elasticsearch with two of the most powerful business intelligence and data visualization applications, Tableau and Microsoft Excel. To achieve this, we introduce the Open Distro for...

Open Distro for Elasticsearch 1.9.0 is now available

Jul 09, 2020 • odfe-updates

We are pleased to announce the release for Open Distro for Elasticsearch 1.9.0 that introduces Root Cause Analysis Engine in Performance Analyzer, batch actions like start, stop and delete for...

Introducing real-time Root Cause Analysis Engine in Elasticsearch

Jul 09, 2020 • odfe-updates

We are excited to release the real-time Root Cause Analysis engine for Elasticsearch in Open Distro for Elasticsearch version 1.9.0. The RCA engine enables operators to diagnose and identify bottlenecks...

An overview of the SQL Engine in Open Distro for Elasticsearch

Jun 12, 2020 • odfe-updates

Open Distro for Elasticsearch is a popular choice for use cases such as log analytics, search, real-time application monitoring and click-stream analysis and more. One commonality among the various use...

Open Distro for Elasticsearch 1.8.0 is released, supports Cosine Similarity in k-NN

Jun 02, 2020 • odfe-updates

We are pleased to announce the release for Open Distro for Elasticsearch 1.8.0. that now supports cosine similarity distance metric with k-NN. We released k-NN similarity search feature in Open...

Index State Management in Open Distro for Elasticsearch

May 15, 2020 • odfe-updates

Elasticsearch is an open source distributed search and analytics engine based on Apache Lucene. After adding your data to Elasticsearch, you can perform full-text searches on the data with all...

Real-time Anomaly Detection is now available in Open Distro for Elasticsearch 1.7.0

May 14, 2020 • odfe-updates

We are excited to announce the general availability of real-time anomaly detection for streaming applications in this release. We would like to thank the community for their feedback on the...

Open Distro for Elasticsearch 1.7.0 Released

May 13, 2020 • odfe-updates

Open Distro for Elasticsearch 1.7.0 is now available for download. Upgrade to 1.7.0 to leverage the latest features and bug fixes.

The Elasticsearch Weight Function

Apr 16, 2020 • odfe-updates

Distributed systems scale by coordinating and distributing their workloads horizontally, across several machines. In Elasticsearch, this is done by partitioning indexes into shards and distributing them across data nodes in...

Build K-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) Similarity Search Engine with Elasticsearch

Apr 06, 2020 • odfe-updates

Since the OpenSearch Project introduced the k-nearest neighbor plugin in 2019, it has supported both exact and approximate k-NN search. The approximate k-NN search method is more efficient for large...