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You're viewing version 1.1 of the OpenSearch documentation. This version is no longer maintained. For the latest version, see the current documentation. For information about OpenSearch version maintenance, see Release Schedule and Maintenance Policy.


The SQL plugin adds a few settings to the standard OpenSearch cluster settings. Most are dynamic, so you can change the default behavior of the plugin without restarting your cluster.

You can update these settings like any other cluster setting:

PUT _cluster/settings
  "transient" : {
    "plugins.sql.enabled" : false

Similarly, you can also update the settings by sending the request to the plugin setting endpoint _plugins/_query/setting:

PUT _plugins/_query/settings
  "transient" : {
    "plugins.sql.enabled" : false
Setting Default Description
plugins.sql.enabled True Change to false to disable the plugin.
plugins.sql.slowlog 2 seconds Configure the time limit (in seconds) for slow queries. The plugin logs slow queries as Slow query: elapsed=xxx (ms) in opensearch.log.
plugins.sql.cursor.keep_alive 1 minute This value configures how long the cursor context is kept open. Cursor contexts are resource heavy, so we recommend a low value.
plugins.query.memory_limit 85% This setting configures the heap memory usage limit for the circuit breaker of the query engine.
plugins.query.size_limit 200 The setting sets the default size of index that the query engine fetches from OpenSearch.