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Full-text search

Use SQL commands for full-text search. The SQL plugin supports a subset of the full-text queries available in OpenSearch.

To learn about full-text queries in OpenSearch, see Full-text queries.


To search for text in a single field, use MATCHQUERY or MATCH_QUERY functions.

Pass in your search query and the field name that you want to search against.

SELECT account_number, address
FROM accounts
WHERE MATCH_QUERY(address, 'Holmes')

Alternate syntax:

SELECT account_number, address
FROM accounts
WHERE address = MATCH_QUERY('Holmes')
account_number address
1 880 Holmes Lane

Multi match

To search for text in multiple fields, use MULTI_MATCH, MULTIMATCH, or MULTIMATCHQUERY functions.

For example, search for Dale in either the firstname or lastname fields:

SELECT firstname, lastname
FROM accounts
WHERE MULTI_MATCH('query'='Dale', 'fields'='*name')
firstname lastname
Dale Adams

Query string

To split text based on operators, use the QUERY function.

SELECT account_number, address
FROM accounts
WHERE QUERY('address:Lane OR address:Street')
account_number address
1 880 Holmes Lane
6 671 Bristol Street
13 789 Madison Street

The QUERY function supports logical connectives, wildcard, regex, and proximity search.

Match phrase

To search for exact phrases, use MATCHPHRASE, MATCH_PHRASE, or MATCHPHRASEQUERY functions.

SELECT account_number, address
FROM accounts
WHERE MATCH_PHRASE(address, '880 Holmes Lane')
account_number address
1 880 Holmes Lane

Score query

To return a relevance score along with every matching document, use SCORE, SCOREQUERY, or SCORE_QUERY functions.

You need to pass in two arguments. The first is the MATCH_QUERY expression. The second is an optional floating point number to boost the score (default value is 1.0).

SELECT account_number, address, _score
FROM accounts
WHERE SCORE(MATCH_QUERY(address, 'Lane'), 0.5) OR
  SCORE(MATCH_QUERY(address, 'Street'), 100)
ORDER BY _score
account_number address score
1 880 Holmes Lane 0.5
6 671 Bristol Street 100
13 789 Madison Street 100