Berlin Buzzwords 2024 - Elevating AI Applications with OpenSearch's Flow Framework and RAG Tool

Berlin Buzzwords 2024 - Elevating AI Applications with OpenSearch’s Flow Framework and RAG Tool

Mingshi Liu & Owais Kazi

This talk introduces OpenSearch’s Flow Framework and RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) Tool, enabling developers to create AI-augmented agent, queries, and ingestion flows, integrate ML models, and streamline app development through a no-code/low-code builder. The Flow Framework offers a template for composing AI-augmented flows and integrating ML models. The RAG Tool combines large language models with relevant data from your indexes, enabling question-answering that truly understands and reasons over your proprietary data. Attendees will gain insights into building chatbots, question-and-answer search systems, and other AI-driven applications by leveraging the capabilities of OpenSearch’s Flow Framework and RAG Tool.


Tuesday 11 June 2024 10:00am

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