OpenSearchCon 2023 Session Lineup

Session Speakers

Analytics, Observability, and Security
Operating OpenSearch

18 Months of Operating OpenSearch at Scale

Thu, Sep 28 11:30am | Ballroom CD

Community Inclusion

Wed, Sep 27 4:30pm-5:10pm | Redwood

Enhancing OpenSearch Performance Through ZStandard Compression

Thu, Sep 28 3:30pm-4:10pm | Ballroom CD

Experience Building a SIEM With OpenSearch

Thu, Sep 28 2:45pm-3:25pm | Redwood

Going Deep: Unraveling the Secrets to OpenSearch's Ingestion

Wed, Sep 27 11:30am-12:10pm | Redwood

How to Build Resilient Clusters With OpenSearch

Wed, Sep 27 9:00am-9:40am | Redwood

How to Reduce Costs in OpenSearch

Thu, Sep 28 2:00pm-2:40pm | Ballroom CD

How We Jump-Started Community Growth in OpenSearch

Wed, Sep 27 3:40pm-4:20pm | Redwood

Infra+OpenSearch in Your Laptop Under 5 Minutes

Wed, Sep 27 2:00pm-2:40pm | Redwood

Opening Keynote

Thu, Sep 28 9:00am-9:50am | Grand Ballroom CD

Now is the Time to Start Using Data Prepper

Thu, Sep 28 10:45-11:25am | Redwood

Running OpenSearch Repositories in the Open

Wed, Sep 27 10:40am | Redwood

Writing OpenSearch Extensions in Python

Wed, Sep 27 4:15pm-4:55pm | Redwood

Session schedule

Analytics, Observability, and Security
Operating OpenSearch

Thursday, September 28

Ballroom CD Redwood Willow
9:00 AM–9:50 AM Opening Keynote
10:00 AM–10:40 AM Journey to a 750-Node Cluster: Why Mastering Allocation and Routing in OpenSearch is the Key to Successfully Achieving Massive Scale How to Secure AI Data Stored in an OpenSearch Vector Database
10:45 AM–11:25 AM Now is the Time to Start Using Data Prepper Harnessing the Power of OpenSearch: Performance Optimization Techniques for High-Performing Clusters
11:30 AM–12:10 PM 18 Months of Operating OpenSearch at Scale Fast-Track Integration Tests With Distributed Traces!
12:10 PM–1:10 PM Lunch
1:15 PM–1:55 PM From Log Analytics to Comprehensive Observability - New Features and Integrations in 2023 Grokking OpenSearch's Build, Test, and Release Infrastructure
2:00 PM–2:40 PM How to Reduce Costs in OpenSearch
2:45 PM–3:25 PM How to Win Organizational Support for Making Open Source Contributions Experience Building a SIEM With OpenSearch
3:30 PM–4:10 PM Enhancing OpenSearch Performance Through ZStandard Compression Getting Started as a Contributor: Unleashing Your Potential in the OpenSearch Community 4 Very Different Ways to Migrate Your Data From One Cluster to Another
4:15 PM–4:55 PM Writing OpenSearch Extensions in Python
