How to get started with OpenSearch

OpenSearch is open source software that uses the Apache License version 2 (ALv2). ALv2 grants you well-understood usage rights; you can use, modify, extend, embed, monetize, resell, and offer OpenSearch as part of your products and services. The source for the entire project is available on GitHub and you’re welcome to build from source for customized deployments. Downloadable artifacts for OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards include plugins and tools, ready for you to use with minimal configuration.


Linux, x64, .tgz (signature)
Current version: Release Candidate 1
Download OpenSearch
OpenSearch on Docker

OpenSearch Dashboards

Linux, x64, .tgz (signature)
Current version: Release Candidate 1
Download OpenSearch Dashboards
OpenSearch Dashboards on Docker

Try OpenSearch with Docker Compose

The best way to try out OpenSearch is to use Docker Compose. These steps will setup a two node cluster of OpenSearch plus OpenSearch Dashboards:

  1. Download docker-compose.yml into your desired directory
  2. Run docker-compose up

  3. Have a nice coffee while everything is downloading and starting up

  4. Navigate to http://localhost:5601/ for OpenSearch Dashboards

  5. Login with the default username (admin) and password (admin)