We had a fantastic time in Seattle last year, so we’re bringing the Unconference to Berlin! Make plans to join us and come ready to pitch your favorite speaking topic! This is an opportunity for the community to come together and kick off OpenSearchCon Europe with an action-packed afternoon of sharing and discovery. With no pre-planned talks, what you want to hear about will be determined by you and your fellow conference-goers.
This is a first-come, first-served event; the room holds up to 100 individuals and anyone registered for OpenSearchCon is welcome to attend until the room is full. We advise you to show up a little early to make sure you get your spot.
Each speaker has 15 minutes to do with as they see fit! Want to talk for 10 minutes and have 5 minutes of questions? Great! Have a lot to say and want to talk for the whole 15? That works too! Are you a maintainer and want to hold a lightning round of questions with the audience? Fantastic! You get the picture. Just be mindful of your 15 minutes!
At 3:15 PM, each attendee will receive a card and three gold-star stickers. Those who would like to give a talk will write their title and brief description on the card, put their name on the back, and post them to the board for voting.
At 3:25, you'll have 10 minutes to walk the board and place a gold star on one of the talks you would like to hear. Two rules: please do not vote for yourself, and, if a card already has all 5 spaces filled, you can no longer vote for it.
At 3:35, Kris and a lucky volunteer will collect and sort the cards, then select the day’s talks from the cards receiving the most votes while ensuring the widest arrangement of topics are covered.
At 3:45, we will return the cards to the wall in the order each talk will be given. Be ready to talk and participate!