OpenSearch Release Dashboard

Welcome to the OpenSearch Release Metrics page. As part of the metrics project initiative and with the goal of providing a central release dashboard, this page offers a comprehensive overview of the metrics and key indicators related to the ongoing OpenSearch releases. It provides a consolidated view of all release-related metrics, helping the OpenSearch community to track release progress and its activities effectively.

OpenSearch Release Metrics: This dashboard provides a high-level overview of key repo health indicators and metrics related to the current OpenSearch release. It is designed to help release managers and the community monitor the release's progress and ensure that everything is on track.

OpenSearch Component Release Metrics: This dashboard provides an overview of metrics related to specific OpenSearch components, enabling teams to track the release status of individual components through detailed component-level release metrics.

OpenSearch Release Build and Integration Test Results: This dashboard focuses on build and integration test failures. It is a critical dashboard for component-level release owners, as it highlights build and integration test issues that need to be resolved to avoid delays or problems during the release process.

Release Version


OpenSearch Release Metrics

Direct Link to Metrics Dashboard

OpenSearch Component Release Metrics

Direct Link to Component Metrics Dashboard

OpenSearch Release Build and Integration Test Results

Direct Link to Test Results Dashboard

Join the discussion

Questions or contributions? Connect with the OpenSearch community in the #releases channel on our public Slack.

To learn more about OpenSearch Release Process, please read this wiki document part of the opensearch-build repo.