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You're viewing version 2.13 of the OpenSearch documentation. This version is no longer maintained. For the latest version, see the current documentation. For information about OpenSearch version maintenance, see Release Schedule and Maintenance Policy.


ML Commons can predict new data with your trained model either from indexed data or a data frame. To use the Predict API, the model_id is required.

For information about user access for this API, see Model access control considerations.

Path and HTTP methods

POST /_plugins/_ml/_predict/<algorithm_name>/<model_id>

Example request

POST /_plugins/_ml/_predict/kmeans/<model-id>
    "input_query": {
        "_source": ["petal_length_in_cm", "petal_width_in_cm"],
        "size": 10000
    "input_index": [

Example response

  "status" : "COMPLETED",
  "prediction_result" : {
    "column_metas" : [
        "name" : "ClusterID",
        "column_type" : "INTEGER"
    "rows" : [
        "values" : [
            "column_type" : "INTEGER",
            "value" : 1
        "values" : [
            "column_type" : "INTEGER",
            "value" : 1
        "values" : [
            "column_type" : "INTEGER",
            "value" : 0
        "values" : [
            "column_type" : "INTEGER",
            "value" : 0
        "values" : [
            "column_type" : "INTEGER",
            "value" : 0
        "values" : [
            "column_type" : "INTEGER",
            "value" : 0
350 characters left

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