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You're viewing version 2.15 of the OpenSearch documentation. This version is no longer maintained. For the latest version, see the current documentation. For information about OpenSearch version maintenance, see Release Schedule and Maintenance Policy.

Security APIs

Security APIs provide information that can be very useful in troubleshooting connection and configuration issues.

API Method Description
/_plugins/_security/whoami GET/POST Returns basic details about the logged-in user.
/_opendistro/_security/sslinfo GET Returns details about the SSL connection when using certificate authentication.
/_plugins/_security/api/permissionsinfo GET Returns permission details for the logged-in user.
/_plugins/_security/authinfo GET/POST Returns the backend roles and OpenSearch roles mapped to the logged-in user.
/_plugins/_security/api/ssl/certs GET Displays the details and expiration dates of the certificates used on the OpenSearch HTTP and transport communication layers. Can only be called by users with the superadmin certificate.
/_plugins/_security/api/ssl/transport/reloadcerts PUT Reloads the certificates on the transport layer. For more information, see Reload TLS certificates on the transport layer.
/_plugins/_security/api/ssl/http/reloadcerts PUT Reloads the certificates on the http layer. For more information, see Reload TLS certificates on the http layer.
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