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The cidrContains() function is used to check if an IP address is contained within a specified Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block or range of CIDR blocks. It accepts two or more arguments:

  • The first argument is a JSON pointer, which represents the key or path to the field containing the IP address to be checked. It supports both IPv4 and IPv6 address formats.

  • The subsequent arguments are strings representing one or more CIDR blocks or IP address ranges. The function checks if the IP address specified in the first argument matches or is contained within any of these CIDR blocks.

For example, if your data contains an IP address field named client.ip and you want to check if it belongs to the CIDR blocks or, you can use the cidrContains() function as follows:

cidrContains('/client.ip', '', '')

This function returns true if the IP address matches any of the specified CIDR blocks or false if it does not.

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