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The date processor adds a default timestamp to an event, parses timestamp fields, and converts timestamp information to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 8601 format. This timestamp information can be used as an event timestamp.


The following table describes the options you can use to configure the date processor.

Option Required Type Description
match Conditionally Match The date match configuration. This option cannot be defined at the same time as from_time_received. There is no default value.
from_time_received Conditionally Boolean When true, the timestamp from the event metadata, which is the time at which the source receives the event, is added to the event data. This option cannot be defined at the same time as match. Default is false.
date_when No String Specifies under what condition the date processor should perform matching. Default is no condition.
to_origination_metadata No Boolean When true, the matched time is also added to the event’s metadata as an instance of Instant. Default is false.
destination No String The field used to store the timestamp parsed by the date processor. Can be used with both match and from_time_received. Default is @timestamp.
output_format No String Determines the format of the timestamp added to an event. Default is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX.
source_timezone No String The time zone used to parse dates, including when the zone or offset cannot be extracted from the value. If the zone or offset are part of the value, then the time zone is ignored. A list of all the available time zones is contained in the TZ database name column of the list of database time zones.
destination_timezone No String The time zone used for storing the timestamp in the destination field. A list of all the available time zones is contained in the TZ database name column of the list of database time zones.
locale No String The location used for parsing dates. Commonly used for parsing month names (MMM). The value can contain language, country, or variant fields in IETF BCP 47, such as en-US, or a string representation of the locale object, such as en_US. A full list of locale fields, including language, country, and variant, can be found in the language subtag registry. Default is Locale.ROOT.


Option Required Type Description
key Yes String Represents the event key against which to match patterns. Required if match is configured.
patterns Yes List A list of possible patterns that the timestamp value of the key can have. The patterns are based on a sequence of letters and symbols. The patterns support all the patterns listed in the Java DatetimeFormatter reference. The timestamp value also supports epoch_second, epoch_milli, and epoch_nano values, which represent the timestamp as the number of seconds, milliseconds, and nanoseconds since the epoch. Epoch values always use the UTC time zone.


The following table describes common Abstract processor metrics.

Metric name Type Description
recordsIn Counter Metric representing the ingress of records to a pipeline component.
recordsOut Counter Metric representing the egress of records from a pipeline component.
timeElapsed Timer Metric representing the time elapsed during execution of a pipeline component.

The date processor includes the following custom metrics.

  • dateProcessingMatchSuccessCounter: Returns the number of records that match at least one pattern specified by the match configuration option.
  • dateProcessingMatchFailureCounter: Returns the number of records that did not match any of the patterns specified by the patterns match configuration option.

Example: Add the default timestamp to an event

The following date processor configuration can be used to add a default timestamp in the @timestamp filed applied to all events:

- date:
    from_time_received: true
    destination: "@timestamp"

Example: Parse a timestamp to convert its format and time zone

The following date processor configuration can be used to parse the value of the timestamp applied to dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss and write it in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX format:

- date:
      - key: timestamp
        patterns: ["dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss"] 
    destination: "@timestamp"
    output_format: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX"
    source_timezone: "America/Los_Angeles"
    destination_timezone: "America/Chicago"
    locale: "en_US"
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