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You're viewing version 2.16 of the OpenSearch documentation. This version is no longer maintained. For the latest version, see the current documentation. For information about OpenSearch version maintenance, see Release Schedule and Maintenance Policy.

VPC Flow

The vpcflow log type records data about the IP traffic flowing to and from the network interfaces within a virtual private cloud (VPC). This data is stored using the VPC Flow Logs feature.

The following code snippet contains all the raw_field, ecs, and ocsf mappings for this log type:

 "mappings": [
      "ocsf": "metadata.product.version"
      "ocsf": "cloud.account_uid"
      "ocsf": "cloud.region"
      "ocsf": ""
      "ocsf": "src_endpoint.port"
      "ocsf": "dst_endpoint.port"
      "ocsf": "connection_info.protocol_num"
      "ocsf": "traffic.packets"
      "ocsf": "traffic.bytes"
      "ocsf": "end_time"
      "ocsf": "connection_info.tcp_flags"
      "ocsf": "connection_info.protocol_ver"
      "ocsf": "src_endpoint.svc_name"
      "ocsf": "dst_endpoint.svc_name"
      "ocsf": "status_code"
      "ocsf": "disposition_id"
      "ocsf": "boundary_id"
      "ocsf": "connection_info.direction_id"
      "ocsf": "dst_endpoint.ip"
      "ocsf": "src_endpoint.ip"
      "ocsf": "dst_endpoint.interface_uid"
      "ocsf": "dst_endpoint.vpc_uid"
      "ocsf": "dst_endpoint.instance_uid"
      "ocsf": "dst_endpoint.subnet_uid"
      "ocsf": "time"
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