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You can use the key_value processor to parse the specified field into key-value pairs. You can customize the key_value processor to parse field information with the following options. The type for each of the following options is string.

Option Description Example
source The message field to be parsed. Optional. Default value is message. If source is "message1", {"message1": {"key1=value1"}, "message2": {"key2=value2"}} parses into {"message1": {"key1=value1"}, "message2": {"key2=value2"}, "parsed_message": {"key1": "value1"}}.
destination The destination field for the parsed source. The parsed source overwrites the preexisting data for that key. Optional. If destination is set to null, the parsed fields will be written to the root of the event. Default value is parsed_message. If destination is "parsed_data", {"message": {"key1=value1"}} parses into {"message": {"key1=value1"}, "parsed_data": {"key1": "value1"}}.
field_delimiter_regex A regular expression specifying the delimiter that separates key-value pairs. Special regular expression characters such as [ and ] must be escaped with \\. Cannot be defined at the same time as field_split_characters. Optional. If this option is not defined, field_split_characters is used. If field_delimiter_regex is "&\\{2\\}", {"key1=value1&&key2=value2"} parses into {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}.
field_split_characters A string of characters specifying the delimeter that separates key-value pairs. Special regular expression characters such as [ and ] must be escaped with \\. Cannot be defined at the same time as field_delimiter_regex. Optional. Default value is &. If field_split_characters is "&&", {"key1=value1&&key2=value2"} parses into {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}.
key_value_delimiter_regex A regular expression specifying the delimiter that separates the key and value within a key-value pair. Special regular expression characters such as [ and ] must be escaped with \\. This option cannot be defined at the same time as value_split_characters. Optional. If this option is not defined, value_split_characters is used. If key_value_delimiter_regex is "=\\{2\\}", {"key1==value1"} parses into {"key1": "value1"}.
value_split_characters A string of characters specifying the delimiter that separates the key and value within a key-value pair. Special regular expression characters such as [ and ] must be escaped with \\. Cannot be defined at the same time as key_value_delimiter_regex. Optional. Default value is =. If value_split_characters is "==", {"key1==value1"} parses into {"key1": "value1"}.
non_match_value When a key-value pair cannot be successfully split, the key-value pair is placed in the key field, and the specified value is placed in the value field. Optional. Default value is null. key1value1&key2=value2 parses into {"key1value1": null, "key2": "value2"}.
prefix A prefix to append before all keys. Optional. Default value is an empty string. If prefix is "custom", {"key1=value1"} parses into {"customkey1": "value1"}.
delete_key_regex A regular expression specifying the characters to delete from the key. Special regular expression characters such as [ and ] must be escaped with \\. Cannot be an empty string. Optional. No default value. If delete_key_regex is "\s", {"key1 =value1"} parses into {"key1": "value1"}.
delete_value_regex A regular expression specifying the characters to delete from the value. Special regular expression characters such as [ and ] must be escaped with \\. Cannot be an empty string. Optional. No default value. If delete_value_regex is "\s", {"key1=value1 "} parses into {"key1": "value1"}.
include_keys An array specifying the keys that should be added for parsing. By default, all keys will be added. If include_keys is ["key2"],key1=value1&key2=value2 will parse into {"key2": "value2"}.
exclude_keys An array specifying the parsed keys that should not be added to the event. By default, no keys will be excluded. If exclude_keys is ["key2"], key1=value1&key2=value2 will parse into {"key1": "value1"}.
default_values A map specifying the default keys and their values that should be added to the event in case these keys do not exist in the source field being parsed. If the default key already exists in the message, the value is not changed. The include_keys filter will be applied to the message before default_values. If default_values is {"defaultkey": "defaultvalue"}, key1=value1 will parse into {"key1": "value1", "defaultkey": "defaultvalue"}.
If default_values is {"key1": "abc"}, key1=value1 will parse into {"key1": "value1"}.
If include_keys is ["key1"] and default_values is {"key2": "value2"}, key1=value1&key2=abc will parse into {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}.
transform_key When to lowercase, uppercase, or capitalize keys. If transform_key is lowercase, {"Key1=value1"} will parse into {"key1": "value1"}.
If transform_key is uppercase, {"key1=value1"} will parse into {"KEY1": "value1"}.
If transform_key is capitalize, {"key1=value1"} will parse into {"Key1": "value1"}.
whitespace Specifies whether to be lenient or strict with the acceptance of unnecessary white space surrounding the configured value-split sequence. Default is lenient. If whitespace is "lenient", {"key1 = value1"} will parse into {"key1 ": " value1"}. If whitespace is "strict", {"key1 = value1"} will parse into {"key1": "value1"}.
skip_duplicate_values A Boolean option for removing duplicate key-value pairs. When set to true, only one unique key-value pair will be preserved. Default is false. If skip_duplicate_values is false, {"key1=value1&key1=value1"} will parse into {"key1": ["value1", "value1"]}. If skip_duplicate_values is true, {"key1=value1&key1=value1"} will parse into {"key1": "value1"}.
remove_brackets Specifies whether to treat square brackets, angle brackets, and parentheses as value “wrappers” that should be removed from the value. Default is false. If remove_brackets is true, {"key1=(value1)"} will parse into {"key1": value1}. If remove_brackets is false, {"key1=(value1)"} will parse into {"key1": "(value1)"}.
recursive Specifies whether to recursively obtain additional key-value pairs from values. The extra key-value pairs will be stored as sub-keys of the root key. Default is false. The levels of recursive parsing must be defined by different brackets for each level: [], (), and <>, in this order. Any other configurations specified will only be applied to the outmost keys.
When recursive is true:
remove_brackets cannot also be true;
skip_duplicate_values will always be true;
whitespace will always be "strict".
If recursive is true, {"item1=[item1-subitem1=item1-subitem1-value&item1-subitem2=(item1-subitem2-subitem2A=item1-subitem2-subitem2A-value&item1-subitem2-subitem2B=item1-subitem2-subitem2B-value)]&item2=item2-value"} will parse into {"item1": {"item1-subitem1": "item1-subitem1-value", "item1-subitem2" {"item1-subitem2-subitem2A": "item1-subitem2-subitem2A-value", "item1-subitem2-subitem2B": "item1-subitem2-subitem2B-value"}}}.
overwrite_if_destination_exists Specifies whether to overwrite existing fields if there are key conflicts when writing parsed fields to the event. Default is true. If overwrite_if_destination_exists is true and destination is null, {"key1": "old_value", "message": "key1=new_value"} will parse into {"key1": "new_value", "message": "key1=new_value"}.
tags_on_failure When a kv operation causes a runtime exception within the processor, the operation is safely stopped without crashing the processor, and the event is tagged with the provided tags. If tags_on_failure is set to ["keyvalueprocessor_failure"], {"tags": ["keyvalueprocessor_failure"]} will be added to the event’s metadata in the event of a runtime exception.
value_grouping Specifies whether to group values using predefined value grouping delimiters: {...}, [...]', <…>, (…), “…”, ‘…’, http://… (space), and https:// (space). If this flag is enabled, then the content between the delimiters is considered to be one entity and is not parsed for key-value pairs. Default is false. If value_grouping is true, then {“key1=[a=b,c=d]&key2=value2”} parses to {“key1”: “[a=b,c=d]”, “key2”: “value2”}`.  
drop_keys_with_no_value Specifies whether keys should be dropped if they have a null value. Default is false. If drop_keys_with_no_value is set to true, then {"key1=value1&key2"} parses to {"key1": "value1"}.  
strict_grouping Specifies whether strict grouping should be enabled when the value_grouping or string_literal_character options are used. Default is false. When enabled, groups with unmatched end characters yield errors. The event is ignored after the errors are logged.
string_literal_character Can be set to either a single quotation mark (') or a double quotation mark ("). Default is null. When this option is used, any text contained within the specified quotation mark character will be ignored and excluded from key-value parsing. For example, text1 "key1=value1" text2 key2=value2 would parse to {"key2": "value2"}.
key_value_when Allows you to specify a conditional expression, such as /some-key == "test", that will be evaluated to determine whether the processor should be applied to the event.  
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