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The service_map processor uses OpenTelemetry data to create a distributed service map for visualization in OpenSearch Dashboards.


The following table describes the option you can use to configure the service_map processor.

Option Required Type Description
window_duration No Integer Represents the fixed time window, in seconds, during which service map relationships are evaluated. Default value is 180.


The following table describes common Abstract processor metrics.

Metric name Type Description
recordsIn Counter Metric representing the ingress of records to a pipeline component.
recordsOut Counter Metric representing the egress of records from a pipeline component.
timeElapsed Timer Metric representing the time elapsed during execution of a pipeline component.

The service_map processor includes following custom metrics:

  • traceGroupCacheCount: The number of trace groups in the trace group cache.
  • spanSetCount: The number of span sets in the span set collection.
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