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You're viewing version 2.18 of the OpenSearch documentation. This version is no longer maintained. For the latest version, see the current documentation. For information about OpenSearch version maintenance, see Release Schedule and Maintenance Policy.

Workspaces APIs

Introduced 2.18

The Workspaces API provides a set of endpoints for managing workspaces in OpenSearch Dashboards.

List Workspaces API

You can use the following endpoint to retrieve a list of workspaces:

POST <osd host>:<port>/api/workspaces/_list

The following table lists the available path parameters.

Parameter Data type Required Description
search String Optional A query string used to filter workspaces with simple query syntax, for example, simple_query_string.
searchFields Array Optional Specifies which fields to perform the search query against.
sortField String Optional The field name to use for sorting results.
sortOrder String Optional Specifies ascending or descending sort order.
perPage Number Optional The number of workspace results per page.
page Number Optional The number of pages of results to retrieve.
permissionModes Array Optional A list of permissions to filter by.

Example request

POST /api/workspaces/_list

The following example response shows a successful API call:

    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "page": 1,
        "per_page": 20,
        "total": 3,
        "workspaces": [
                "name": "test1",
                "features": [
                "id": "hWNZls"
                "name": "test2",
                "features": [
                "id": "SnkOPt"

Get Workspaces API

You can use the following endpoint to retrieve a single workspace:

GET <osd host>:<port>/api/workspaces/<id>

The following table lists the available path parameters. All path parameters are required.

Parameter Data type Required Description
<id> String Required Identifies the unique workspace to be retrieved.

Example request

GET /api/workspaces/SnkOPt

The following example response shows a successful API call:

    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "name": "test2",
        "features": ["use-case-all"],
        "id": "SnkOPt"

Create Workspaces API

You can use the following endpoint to create a workspace:

POST <osd host>:<port>/api/workspaces

The following table lists the available path parameters.

Parameter Data type Required Description
attributes Object Required Defines the workspace attributes.
permissions Object Optional Specifies the permissions for the workspace.

Example request

POST api/workspaces
    "attributes": {
        "name": "test4",
        "description": "test4"

The following example response shows a successful API call:

    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "id": "eHVoCJ"

Update Workspaces API

You can use the following endpoint to update the attributes and permissions for a workspace:

PUT <osd host>:<port>/api/workspaces/<id>

The following table lists the available path parameters.

Parameter Data type Required Description
<id> String Required Identifies the unique workspace to be retrieved.
attributes Object Required Defines the workspace attributes.
permissions Object Optional Specifies the permissions for the workspace.

Example request

PUT api/workspaces/eHVoCJ
    "attributes": {
        "name": "test4",
        "description": "test update"

The following example response shows a successful API call:

    "success": true,
    "result": true

Delete Workspaces API

You can use the following endpoint to delete a workspace:

DELETE <osd host>:<port>/api/workspaces/<id>

The following table lists the available path parameters. All path parameters are required.

Parameter Data type Required Description
<id> String Required Identifies the unique workspace to be retrieved.

Example request

DELETE api/workspaces/eHVoCJ

The following example response shows a successful API call:

    "success": true,
    "result": true

Duplicate Saved Objects Workspaces API

You can use the following endpoint to copy saved objects between workspaces:

POST <osd host>:<port>/api/workspaces/_duplicate_saved_objects

The following table lists the available path parameters.

Parameter Data type Required Description
objects Array Required Specifies the saved objects to be duplicated.
targetWorkspace String Required Identifies the destination workspace for copying.
includeReferencesDeep Boolean Optional Determines whether to copy all referenced objects to the target workspace. Default is true.

The following table lists the attributes of the object in the objects parameter.

Parameter Data type Required Description
type String Required Defines the saved object classification, such as index-pattern, config, or dashboard.
id String Required The ID of the saved object.

Example request

POST api/workspaces/_duplicate_saved_objects
    "objects": [
            "type": "index-pattern",
            "id": "619cc200-ecd0-11ee-95b1-e7363f9e289d"
    "targetWorkspace": "9gt4lB"

The following example response shows a successful API call:

    "successCount": 1,
    "success": true,
    "successResults": [
            "type": "index-pattern",
            "id": "619cc200-ecd0-11ee-95b1-e7363f9e289d",
            "meta": {
                "title": "test*",
                "icon": "indexPatternApp"
            "destinationId": "f4b724fd-9647-4bbf-bf59-610b43a62c75"

Associate Saved Objects Workspaces API

You can use the following endpoint to associate saved objects with a workspace:

POST <osd host>:<port>/api/workspaces/_associate

The following table lists the available path parameters.

Parameter Data type Required Description
workspaceId String Required Identifies the target workspace for object association.
savedObjects Array Required Specifies the list of saved objects to be copied.

The following table lists the attributes of the object in the objects parameter.

Parameter Data type Required Description
type String Required Defines the saved object classification, such as index-pattern, config, or dashboard.
id String Required The ID of the saved object.

Example request

POST api/workspaces/_associate
    "objects": [
            "type": "index-pattern",
            "id": "619cc200-ecd0-11ee-95b1-e7363f9e289d"
    "targetWorkspace": "9gt4lB"

The following example response shows a successful API call:

    "success": true,
    "result": [
            "id": "619cc200-ecd0-11ee-95b1-e7363f9e289d",

Dissociate Saved Objects Workspaces API

You can use the following endpoint to dissociate saved objects from a workspace:

POST <osd host>:<port>/api/workspaces/_dissociate

The following table lists the available path parameters.

Parameter Data type Required Description
workspaceId String Required The target workspace with which to associate the objects.
savedObjects Array Required A list of saved objects to copy.

The following table lists the attributes of the savedObjects parameter.

Parameter Data type Required Description
type String Required The type of the saved object, such as index-pattern, config, or dashboard.
id String Required The ID of the saved object.

Example request

POST api/workspaces/_dissociate
    "objects": [
            "type": "index-pattern",
            "id": "619cc200-ecd0-11ee-95b1-e7363f9e289d"
    "targetWorkspace": "9gt4lB"

The following example response shows a successful API call:

    "success": true,
    "result": [
            "id": "619cc200-ecd0-11ee-95b1-e7363f9e289d",