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The geoip processor enriches events with geographic information extracted from IP addresses contained in the events. By default, OpenSearch Data Prepper uses the MaxMind GeoLite2 geolocation database. OpenSearch Data Prepper administrators can configure the databases using the geoip_service extension configuration.


You can configure the geoip processor to work on entries.

The minimal configuration requires at least one entry, and each entry at least one source field.

The following configuration extracts all available geolocation data from the IP address provided in the field named clientip. It will write the geolocation data to a new field named geo, the default source when none is configured:

    - geoip:
          - source: clientip

The following example excludes Autonomous System Number (ASN) fields and puts the geolocation data into a field named clientlocation:

    - geoip:
          - source: clientip
            target: clientlocation
            include_fields: [asn, asn_organization, network]


You can use the following options to configure the geoip processor.

Option Required Type Description
entries Yes entry list The list of entries marked for enrichment.
geoip_when No String Specifies under what condition the geoip processor should perform matching. Default is no condition.
tags_on_no_valid_ip No String The tags to add to the event metadata if the source field is not a valid IP address. This includes the localhost IP address.
tags_on_ip_not_found No String The tags to add to the event metadata if the geoip processor is unable to find a location for the IP address.
tags_on_engine_failure No String The tags to add to the event metadata if the geoip processor is unable to enrich an event due to an engine failure.


The following parameters allow you to configure a single geolocation entry. Each entry corresponds to a single IP address.

Option Required Type Description
source Yes String The key of the source field containing the IP address to geolocate.
target No String The key of the target field in which to save the geolocation data. Default is geo.
include_fields No String list The list of geolocation fields to include in the target object. By default, this is all the fields provided by the configured databases.
exclude_fields No String list The list of geolocation fields to exclude from the target object.
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