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You're viewing version 2.18 of the OpenSearch documentation. This version is no longer maintained. For the latest version, see the current documentation. For information about OpenSearch version maintenance, see Release Schedule and Maintenance Policy.


OpenSearch uses a hashing algorithm to route documents to specific shards in an index. By default, the document’s _id field is used as the routing value, but you can also specify a custom routing value for each document.

Default routing

The following is the default OpenSearch routing formula. The _routing value is the document’s _id.

shard_num = hash(_routing) % num_primary_shards

Custom routing

You can specify a custom routing value when indexing a document, as shown in the following example request:

PUT sample-index1/_doc/1?routing=JohnDoe1
  "title": "This is a document"

In this example, the document is routed using the value JohnDoe1 instead of the default _id.

You must provide the same routing value when retrieving, deleting, or updating the document, as shown in the following example request:

GET sample-index1/_doc/1?routing=JohnDoe1

Querying by routing

You can query documents based on their routing value by using the _routing field, as shown in the following example. This query only searches the shard(s) associated with the JohnDoe1 routing value:

GET sample-index1/_search
  "query": {
    "terms": {
      "_routing": [ "JohnDoe1" ]

Required routing

You can make custom routing required for all CRUD operations on an index, as shown in the following example request. If you try to index a document without providing a routing value, OpenSearch will throw an exception.

PUT sample-index2
  "mappings": {
    "_routing": {
      "required": true

Routing to specific shards

You can configure an index to route custom values to a subset of shards rather than a single shard. This is done by setting index.routing_partition_size at the time of index creation. The formula for calculating the shard is shard_num = (hash(_routing) + hash(_id)) % routing_partition_size) % num_primary_shards.

The following example request routes documents to one of four shards in the index:

PUT sample-index3
  "settings": {
    "index.routing_partition_size": 4
  "mappings": {
    "_routing": {
      "required": true

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