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You're viewing version 2.18 of the OpenSearch documentation. This version is no longer maintained. For the latest version, see the current documentation. For information about OpenSearch version maintenance, see Release Schedule and Maintenance Policy.

Plugin settings

The following settings are related to OpenSearch plugins.

Alerting plugin settings

For information about alerting settings, see Alerting settings.

Anomaly Detection plugin settings

For information about anomaly detection settings, see Anomaly Detection settings.

Asynchronous Search plugin settings

For information about asynchronous search settings, see Asynchronous Search settings.

Cross-Cluster Replication plugin settings

For information about cross-cluster replication settings, see Replication settings.

Flow Framework plugin settings

For information about automatic workflow settings, see Workflow settings.

Geospatial plugin settings

For information about the Geospatial plugin’s IP2Geo processor settings, see Cluster settings.

Index Management plugin settings

For information about index state management (ISM) settings, see ISM settings.

Index rollup settings

For information about index rollup settings, see Index rollup settings.

Job Scheduler plugin settings

For information about the Job Scheduler plugin settings, see Job Scheduler cluster settings.

k-NN plugin settings

For information about k-NN settings, see k-NN settings.

ML Commons plugin settings

For information about machine learning settings, see ML Commons cluster settings.

Neural Search plugin settings

The Security Analytics plugin supports the following settings:

  • plugins.neural_search.hybrid_search_disabled (Dynamic, Boolean): Disables hybrid search. Default is false.

Notifications plugin settings

The Notifications plugin supports the following settings. All settings in this list are dynamic:

  • opensearch.notifications.core.allowed_config_types (List): The allowed configuration types of the Notifications plugin. Use the GET /_plugins/_notifications/features API to retrieve the value of this setting. Configuration types include slack, chime, microsoft_teams, webhook, email, sns, ses_account, smtp_account, and email_group.

  • (Integer): The minimum email header length. Used for email message total length validation. Default is 160.

  • (Integer): The email size limit. Used for email message total length validation. Default is 10000000.

  • opensearch.notifications.core.http.connection_timeout (Integer): The internal HTTP client connection timeout. The client is used for webhook-based notification channels. Default is 5000.

  • opensearch.notifications.core.http.host_deny_list (List): A list of denied hosts. The HTTP client does not send notifications to webhook URLs in this list.

  • opensearch.notifications.core.http.max_connection_per_route (Integer): The maximum number of HTTP connections per route of the internal HTTP client. The client is used for webhook-based notification channels. Default is 20.

  • opensearch.notifications.core.http.max_connections (Integer): The maximum number of HTTP connections of the internal HTTP client. The client is used for webhook-based notification channels. Default is 60.

  • opensearch.notifications.core.http.socket_timeout (Integer): The socket timeout configuration of the internal HTTP client. The client is used for webhook-based notification channels. Default is 50000.

  • opensearch.notifications.core.tooltip_support (Boolean): Enables tooltip support for the Notifications plugin. Use the GET /_plugins/_notifications/features API to retrieve the value of this setting. Default is true.

  • opensearch.notifications.general.filter_by_backend_roles (Boolean): Enables filtering by backend roles (role-based access control for the notification channels). Default is false.

Query Insights plugin settings

For information about Query Insights plugin settings, see Query insights settings.

Security plugin settings

For information about the Security plugin settings, see Security settings.

Security Analytics plugin settings

For information about security analytics settings, see Security Analytics settings.

SQL plugin settings

For information about settings related to SQL and PPL, see SQL settings.