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You're viewing version 2.18 of the OpenSearch documentation. This version is no longer maintained. For the latest version, see the current documentation. For information about OpenSearch version maintenance, see Release Schedule and Maintenance Policy.

Search options

What users expect from search engines has evolved over the years. Just returning relevant results quickly is no longer enough for most users. Now users seek methods that allow them to get even more relevant results, to sort and organize results, and to highlight their queries. OpenSearch includes many search options, described in the following table, that enhance the search experience.

Option Description
Autocomplete functionality Suggest phrases as the user types.
Did-you-mean functionality Check spelling of phrases as the user types.
Paginate results Rather than a single, long list, separate search results into pages.
Point in Time Run different queries against a dataset that is fixed in time.
Sort results Allow sorting of results by different criteria.
Filter results Filter search results.
Collapse results Collapse search results.
Highlight query matches Highlight the search term in the results.
Retrieve inner hits Retrieve underlying hits in nested and parent-join objects.
Retrieve specific fields Retrieve only the specific fields
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