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You're viewing version 2.18 of the OpenSearch documentation. This version is no longer maintained. For the latest version, see the current documentation. For information about OpenSearch version maintenance, see Release Schedule and Maintenance Policy.

Common issues

This page contains a list of common issues and workarounds.

OpenSearch Dashboards fails to start

If you encounter the error FATAL Error: Request Timeout after 30000ms during startup, try running OpenSearch Dashboards on a more powerful machine. We recommend four CPU cores and 8 GB of RAM.

Requests to OpenSearch Dashboards fail with “Request must contain a osd-xsrf header”

If you run legacy Kibana OSS scripts against OpenSearch Dashboards—for example, curl commands that import saved objects from a file—they might fail with the following error:

{"status": 400, "body": "Request must contain a osd-xsrf header."}

In this case, your scripts likely include the "kbn-xsrf: true" header. Switch it to the osd-xsrf: true header:

curl -XPOST -u 'admin:<custom-admin-password>' 'https://DASHBOARDS_ENDPOINT/api/saved_objects/_import' -H 'osd-xsrf:true' --form file=@export.ndjson

Multi-tenancy issues in OpenSearch Dashboards

If you’re testing multiple users in OpenSearch Dashboards and encounter unexpected changes in tenant, use Google Chrome in an Incognito window or Firefox in a Private window.

Expired certificates

If your certificates have expired, you might receive the following error or something similar:

ERROR - Exception during establishing a SSL connection: PKIX path validation failed: validity check failed
Caused by: NotAfter: Thu Sep 16 11:27:55 PDT 2021

To check the expiration date for a certificate, run this command:

openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in <certificate>

Encryption at rest

The operating system for each OpenSearch node handles encryption of data at rest. To enable encryption at rest in most Linux distributions, use the cryptsetup command:

cryptsetup luksFormat --key-file <key> <partition>

For full documentation about the command, see cryptsetup(8) — Linux manual page.

Can’t update by script when FLS, DLS, or field masking is active

The Security plugin blocks the update by script operation (POST <index>/_update/<id>) when field-level security, document-level security, or field masking are active. You can still update documents using the standard index operation (PUT <index>/_doc/<id>).

Illegal reflective access operation in logs

This is a known issue with Performance Analyzer that shouldn’t affect functionality.