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OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards

Version 2.19

This section contains documentation for OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards.

Getting started

Get started with OpenSearch

Learn about OpenSearch and start ingesting and searching data

Get started with OpenSearch Dashboards

Learn about OpenSearch Dashboards applications and tools used to visualize data

Get started with vector search

Learn about vector search options and build your first vector search application

Get started with OpenSearch security

Learn about security in OpenSearch

Why use OpenSearch?

Vector database

Use OpenSearch as a vector database to combine the power of traditional search, analytics, and vector search

Fast, scalable full-text search

Help users find the right information in your application, website, or data lake catalog

Application and infrastructure monitoring

Use observability logs, metrics, and traces to monitor your applications in real time

Security and event information management

Centralize logs to enable real-time security monitoring and forensic analysis

Key features

Vector search

Build AI/ML-powered vector search applications

Machine learning

Integrate machine learning models into your workloads

Customizing your search

From optimizing performance to improving relevance, customize your search experience

Workflow automation

Automate complex OpenSearch setup and preprocessing tasks

Anomaly detection

Identify atypical data and receive automatic notifications

Building visualizations

Visualize your data in OpenSearch Dashboards

Get involved

OpenSearch is supported by the OpenSearch Software Foundation. All components are available under the Apache License, Version 2.0 on GitHub. The project welcomes GitHub issues, bug fixes, features, plugins, documentation—anything at all. To get involved, see Contributing on the OpenSearch website.

OpenSearch includes certain Apache-licensed Elasticsearch code from Elasticsearch B.V. and other source code. Elasticsearch B.V. is not the source of that other source code. ELASTICSEARCH is a registered trademark of Elasticsearch B.V.

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