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You're viewing version 2.6 of the OpenSearch documentation. This version is no longer maintained. For the latest version, see the current documentation. For information about OpenSearch version maintenance, see Release Schedule and Maintenance Policy.

Compound queries

Compound queries serve as wrappers for multiple leaf or compound clauses either to combine their results or to modify their behavior.

OpenSearch supports the following compound query types:

  • Boolean: Combines multiple query clauses with Boolean logic. To learn more, see Boolean queries.
  • Constant score: Wraps a query or a filter and assigns a constant score to all matching documents. This score is equal to the boost value.
  • Disjunction max: Returns documents that match one or more query clauses. If a document matches multiple query clauses, it is assigned a higher relevance score. The relevance score is calculated using the highest score from any matching clause and, optionally, the scores from the other matching clauses multiplied by the tiebreaker value.
  • Function score: Recalculates the relevance score of documents that are returned by a query using a function that you define.
  • Boosting: Changes the relevance score of documents without removing them from the search results. Returns documents that match a positive query, but downgrades the relevance of documents in the results that match a negative query.

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