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Accessing the migration console

The Bootstrap box deployed through Migration Assistant contains a script that simplifies access to the migration console through that instance.

To access the migration console, use the following commands:

export STAGE=dev
export AWS_REGION=us-west-2
/opensearch-migrations/deployment/cdk/opensearch-service-migration/ migration-console ${STAGE} ${AWS_REGION}

When opening the console a message will appear above the command prompt, Welcome to the Migration Assistant Console.

On a machine with the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) and the AWS Session Manager plugin, you can directly connect to the migration console. Ensure that you’ve run aws configure with credentials that have access to the environment.

Use the following commands:

export STAGE=dev
export SERVICE_NAME=migration-console
export TASK_ARN=$(aws ecs list-tasks --cluster migration-${STAGE}-ecs-cluster --family "migration-${STAGE}-${SERVICE_NAME}" | jq --raw-output '.taskArns[0]')
aws ecs execute-command --cluster "migration-${STAGE}-ecs-cluster" --task "${TASK_ARN}" --container "${SERVICE_NAME}" --interactive --command "/bin/bash"

Typically, STAGE is equivalent to a standard dev environment, but this may vary based on what the user specified during deployment.

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