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The aggregate command combines multiple test executions into a single aggregated result, providing a more streamlined way to conduct and analyze multiple test runs. There are two methods of aggregation:


The auto-aggregation method runs multiple iterations of benchmark tests and automatically aggregates the results, all within a single command. You can use the flags outlined in this with the execute command.


The following example runs the geonames workload and aggregates the results twice:

opensearch-benchmark execute --test-iterations=2 --aggregate=true --workload=geonames --target-hosts=

Auto-aggregation flags

The following new flags can be used to customize the auto-aggregation method:

  • --test-iterations: Specifies the number of times to run the workload (default is 1).
  • --aggregate: Determines whether to aggregate the results of multiple test executions (default is true).
  • --sleep-timer: Specifies the number of seconds to sleep before starting the next test execution (default is 5).
  • --cancel-on-error: When set, stops executing tests if an error occurs in one of the test iterations (default is false).

Manual aggregation

You can use the aggregate command to manually aggregate results from multiple test executions.


To aggregate multiple test executions manually, specify the test_execution_ids you would like to aggregate, as shown in the following example:

opensearch-benchmark aggregate --test-executions=<test_execution_id1>,<test_execution_id2>,...


OpenSearch Benchmark responds with the following:

   ____                  _____                      __       ____                  __                         __
  / __ \____  ___  ____ / ___/___  ____ ___________/ /_     / __ )___  ____  _____/ /_  ____ ___  ____ ______/ /__
 / / / / __ \/ _ \/ __ \\__ \/ _ \/ __ `/ ___/ ___/ __ \   / __  / _ \/ __ \/ ___/ __ \/ __ `__ \/ __ `/ ___/ //_/
/ /_/ / /_/ /  __/ / / /__/ /  __/ /_/ / /  / /__/ / / /  / /_/ /  __/ / / / /__/ / / / / / / / / /_/ / /  / ,<
\____/ .___/\___/_/ /_/____/\___/\__,_/_/   \___/_/ /_/  /_____/\___/_/ /_/\___/_/ /_/_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/_/  /_/|_|

Aggregate test execution ID:  aggregate_results_geonames_9aafcfb8-d3b7-4583-864e-4598b5886c4f

[INFO] SUCCESS (took 1 seconds)

The results will be aggregated into one test execution and stored under the ID shown in the output.

Additional options

  • --test-execution-id: Define a unique ID for the aggregated test execution.
  • --results-file: Write the aggregated results to the provided file.
  • --workload-repository: Define the repository from which OpenSearch Benchmark will load workloads (default is default).

Aggregated results

Aggregated results includes the following information:

  • Relative Standard Deviation (RSD): For each metric an additional mean_rsd value shows the spread of results across test executions.
  • Overall min/max values: Instead of averaging minimum and maximum values, the aggregated result include overall_min and overall_max which reflect the true minimum/maximum across all test runs.
  • Storage: Aggregated test results are stored in a separate aggregated_results folder alongside the test_executions folder.

The following example shows aggregated results:

    "throughput": {
     "overall_min": 29056.890292903263,
     "mean": 50115.8603858536,
     "median": 50099.54349684457,
     "overall_max": 72255.15946248993,
     "unit": "docs/s",
     "mean_rsd": 59.426059705973664
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