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Common operations

Test procedures use a variety of operations, found inside the operations directory of a workload. This page details the most common operations found inside OpenSearch Benchmark workloads.


The bulk operation type allows you to run bulk requests as a task.

The following example shows a bulk operation type with a bulk-size of 5000 documents:

  "name": "index-append",
  "operation-type": "bulk",
  "bulk-size": 5000


The create-index operation runs the Create Index API. It supports the following two modes of index creation:

  • Creating all indexes specified in the workloads indices section
  • Creating one specific index defined within the operation itself

The following example creates all indexes defined in the indices section of the workload. It uses all of the index settings defined in the workload but overrides the number of shards:

  "name": "create-all-indices",
  "operation-type": "create-index",
  "settings": {
    "index.number_of_shards": 1
  "request-params": {
    "wait_for_active_shards": "true"

The following example creates a new index with all index settings specified in the operation body:

  "name": "create-an-index",
  "operation-type": "create-index",
  "index": "people",
  "body": {
    "settings": {
      "index.number_of_shards": 0
    "mappings": {
      "docs": {
        "properties": {
          "name": {
            "type": "text"


The delete-index operation runs the Delete Index API. Like with the create-index operation, you can delete all indexes found in the indices section of the workload or delete one or more indexes based on the string passed in the index setting.

The following example deletes all indexes found in the indices section of the workload:

  "name": "delete-all-indices",
  "operation-type": "delete-index"

The following example deletes all logs_* indexes:

  "name": "delete-logs",
  "operation-type": "delete-index",
  "index": "logs-*",
  "only-if-exists": false,
  "request-params": {
    "expand_wildcards": "all",
    "allow_no_indices": "true",
    "ignore_unavailable": "true"


The cluster-health operation runs the Cluster Health API, which checks the cluster health status and returns the expected status according to the parameters set for request-params. If an unexpected cluster health status is returned, the operation reports a failure. You can use the --on-error option in the OpenSearch Benchmark execute-test command to control how OpenSearch Benchmark behaves when the health check fails.

The following example creates a cluster-health operation that checks for a green health status on any log-* indexes:

  "name": "check-cluster-green",
  "operation-type": "cluster-health",
  "index": "logs-*",
  "request-params": {
    "wait_for_status": "green",
    "wait_for_no_relocating_shards": "true"
  "retry-until-success": true


The refresh operation runs the Refresh API. The operation returns no metadata.

The following example refreshes all logs-* indexes:

 "name": "refresh",
 "operation-type": "refresh",
 "index": "logs-*"

The search operation runs the Search API, which you can use to run queries in OpenSearch Benchmark indexes.

The following example runs a match_all query inside the search operation:

  "name": "default",
  "operation-type": "search",
  "body": {
    "query": {
      "match_all": {}
  "request-params": {
    "_source_include": "some_field",
    "analyze_wildcard": "false"
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