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You're viewing version 2.7 of the OpenSearch documentation. This version is no longer maintained. For the latest version, see the current documentation. For information about OpenSearch version maintenance, see Release Schedule and Maintenance Policy.


You must enable fielddata in the document mapping for most string functions to work properly.

The specification shows the return type of the function with a generic type T as the argument. For example, abs(number T) -> T means that the function abs accepts a numerical argument of type T, which could be any subtype of the number type, and it returns the actual type of T as the return type.

The SQL plugin supports the following common functions shared across the SQL and PPL languages.


Function Specification Example
abs abs(number T) -> T SELECT abs(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
add add(number T, number) -> T SELECT add(1, 5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
cbrt cbrt(number T) -> T SELECT cbrt(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
ceil ceil(number T) -> T SELECT ceil(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
conv conv(string T, int a, int b) -> T SELECT CONV('12', 10, 16), CONV('2C', 16, 10), CONV(12, 10, 2), CONV(1111, 2, 10) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
crc32 crc32(string T) -> T SELECT crc32('MySQL') FROM my-index LIMIT 1
divide divide(number T, number) -> T SELECT divide(1, 0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
e e() -> double SELECT e() FROM my-index LIMIT 1
exp exp(number T) -> T SELECT exp(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
expm1 expm1(number T) -> T SELECT expm1(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
floor floor(number T) -> T SELECT floor(0.5) AS Rounded_Down FROM my-index LIMIT 1
ln ln(number T) -> double SELECT ln(10) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
log log(number T) -> double or log(number T, number) -> double SELECT log(10) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
log2 log2(number T) -> double SELECT log2(10) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
log10 log10(number T) -> double SELECT log10(10) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
mod mod(number T, number) -> T SELECT modulus(2, 3) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
multiply multiply(number T, number) -> number SELECT multiply(2, 3) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
pi pi() -> double SELECT pi() FROM my-index LIMIT 1
pow pow(number T) -> T or pow(number T, number) -> T SELECT pow(2, 3) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
power power(number T) -> T or power(number T, number) -> T SELECT power(2, 3) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
rand rand() -> number or rand(number T) -> T SELECT rand(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
rint rint(number T) -> T SELECT rint(1.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
round round(number T) -> T SELECT round(1.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
sign sign(number T) -> T SELECT sign(1.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
signum signum(number T) -> T SELECT signum(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
sqrt sqrt(number T) -> T SELECT sqrt(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
strcmp strcmp(string T, string T) -> T SELECT strcmp('hello', 'hello') FROM my-index LIMIT 1
subtract subtract(number T, number) -> T SELECT subtract(3, 2) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
truncate truncate(number T, number T) -> T SELECT truncate(56.78, 1) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
/ number [op] number -> number SELECT 1 / 100 FROM my-index LIMIT 1
% number [op] number -> number SELECT 1 % 100 FROM my-index LIMIT 1


Function Specification Example
acos acos(number T) -> double SELECT acos(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
asin asin(number T) -> double SELECT asin(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
atan atan(number T) -> double SELECT atan(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
atan2 atan2(number T, number) -> double SELECT atan2(1, 0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
cos cos(number T) -> double SELECT cos(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
cosh cosh(number T) -> double SELECT cosh(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
cot cot(number T) -> double SELECT cot(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
degrees degrees(number T) -> double SELECT degrees(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
radians radians(number T) -> double SELECT radians(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
sin sin(number T) -> double SELECT sin(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
sinh sinh(number T) -> double SELECT sinh(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
tan tan(number T) -> double SELECT tan(0.5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1

Date and time

Functions marked with * are only available in SQL.

Function Specification Example
adddate adddate(date, INTERVAL expr unit) -> date SELECT adddate(date('2020-08-26'), INTERVAL 1 hour) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
addtime addtime(date, date) -> date SELECT addtime(date('2008-12-12'), date('2008-12-12'))
convert_tz convert_tz(date, string, string) -> date SELECT convert_tz('2008-12-25 05:30:00', '+00:00', 'America/Los_Angeles')
curtime curtime() -> time SELECT curtime()
curdate curdate() -> date SELECT curdate() FROM my-index LIMIT 1
current_date current_date() -> date SELECT current_date() FROM my-index LIMIT 1
current_time current_time() -> time SELECT current_time()
current_timestamp current_timestamp() -> date SELECT current_timestamp() FROM my-index LIMIT 1
date date(date) -> date SELECT date() FROM my-index LIMIT 1
datediff datediff(date, date) -> integer SELECT datediff(date('2000-01-02'), date('2000-01-01'))
datetime datetime(string) -> datetime SELECT datetime('2008-12-25 00:00:00')
date_add date_add(date, INTERVAL integer UNIT) SELECT date_add('2020-08-26'), INTERVAL 1 HOUR)
date_format date_format(date, string) -> string or date_format(date, string, string) -> string SELECT date_format(date, 'Y') FROM my-index LIMIT 1
date_sub date_sub(date, INTERVAL expr unit) -> date SELECT date_sub(date('2008-01-02'), INTERVAL 31 day) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
dayofmonth dayofmonth(date) -> integer SELECT dayofmonth(date) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
day day(date) -> integer SELECT day(date('2020-08-25'))
dayname dayname(date) -> string SELECT dayname(date('2020-08-26')) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
dayofmonth dayofmonth(date) -> integer SELECT dayofmonth(date) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
dayofweek dayofweek(date) -> integer SELECT dayofweek(date) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
dayofyear dayofyear(date) -> integer SELECT dayofyear(date('2020-08-26')) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
dayofweek dayofweek(date) -> integer SELECT dayofweek(date('2020-08-26')) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
day_of_month* day_of_month(date) -> integer SELECT day_of_month(date) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
day_of_week* day_of_week(date) -> integer SELECT day_of_week(date('2020-08-26')) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
day_of_year* day_of_year(date) -> integer SELECT day_of_year(date('2020-08-26')) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
extract* extract(part FROM date) -> integer SELECT extract(MONTH FROM datetime('2020-08-26 10:11:12'))
from_days from_days(N) -> integer SELECT from_days(733687) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
from_unixtime from_unixtime(N) -> date SELECT from_unixtime(1220249547)
get_format get_format(PART, string) -> string SELECT get_format(DATE, 'USA')
hour hour(time) -> integer SELECT hour((time '01:02:03')) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
hour_of_day* hour_of_day(time) -> integer SELECT hour_of_day((time '01:02:03')) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
last_day* last_day(date) -> integer SELECT last_day(date('2020-08-26'))
localtime localtime() -> date SELECT localtime() FROM my-index LIMIT 1
localtimestamp localtimestamp() -> date SELECT localtimestamp() FROM my-index LIMIT 1
makedate makedate(double, double) -> date SELECT makedate(1945, 5.9)
maketime maketime(integer, integer, integer) -> date SELECT maketime(1, 2, 3) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
microsecond microsecond(expr) -> integer SELECT microsecond((time '01:02:03.123456')) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
minute minute(expr) -> integer SELECT minute((time '01:02:03')) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
minute_of_day* minute_of_day(expr) -> integer SELECT minute_of_day((time '01:02:03')) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
minute_of_hour* minute_of_hour(expr) -> integer SELECT minute_of_hour((time '01:02:03')) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
month month(date) -> integer SELECT month(date) FROM my-index
month_of_year* month_of_year(date) -> integer SELECT month_of_year(date) FROM my-index
monthname monthname(date) -> string SELECT monthname(date) FROM my-index
now now() -> date SELECT now() FROM my-index LIMIT 1
period_add period_add(integer, integer) SELECT period_add(200801, 2)
period_diff period_diff(integer, integer) SELECT period_diff(200802, 200703)
quarter quarter(date) -> integer SELECT quarter(date('2020-08-26')) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
second second(time) -> integer SELECT second((time '01:02:03')) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
second_of_minute* second_of_minute(time) -> integer SELECT second_of_minute((time '01:02:03')) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
sec_to_time* sec_to_time(integer) -> date SELECT sec_to_time(10000)
subdate subdate(date, INTERVAL expr unit) -> date, datetime SELECT subdate(date('2008-01-02'), INTERVAL 31 day) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
subtime subtime(date, date) -> date SELECT subtime(date('2008-12-12'), date('2008-11-15'))
str_to_date* str_to_date(string, format) -> date SELECT str_to_date("March 10 2000", %M %d %Y")
time time(expr) -> time SELECT time('13:49:00') FROM my-index LIMIT 1
timediff timediff(time, time) -> time SELECT timediff(time('23:59:59'), time('13:00:00'))
timestamp timestamp(date) -> date SELECT timestamp(date) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
timestampadd timestampadd(interval, integer, date) -> date) SELECT timestampadd(DAY, 17, datetime('2000-01-01 00:00:00'))
timestampdiff timestampdiff(interval, date, date) -> integer SELECT timestampdiff(YEAR, '1997-01-01 00:00:00, '2001-03-06 00:00:00')
time_format time_format(date, string) -> string SELECT time_format('1998-01-31 13:14:15.012345', '%f %H %h %I %i %p %r %S %s %T')
time_to_sec time_to_sec(time) -> long SELECT time_to_sec(time '22:23:00') FROM my-index LIMIT 1
to_days to_days(date) -> long SELECT to_days(date '2008-10-07') FROM my-index LIMIT 1
to_seconds to_seconds(date) -> integer SELECT to_seconds(date('2008-10-07')
unix_timestamp unix_timestamp(date) -> double SELECT unix_timestamp(timestamp('1996-11-15 17:05:42'))
utc_date utc_date() -> date SELECT utc_date()
utc_time utc_time() -> date SELECT utc_time()
utc_timestamp utc_timestamp() -> date SELECT utc_timestamp()
week week(date[mode]) -> integer SELECT week(date('2008-02-20')) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
weekofyear weekofyear(date[mode]) -> integer SELECT weekofyear(date('2008-02-20')) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
week_of_year* week_of_year(date[mode]) -> integer SELECT week_of_year(date('2008-02-20')) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
year year(date) -> integer SELECT year(date) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
yearweek* yearweek(date[mode]) -> integer SELECT yearweek(date('2008-02-20')) FROM my-index LIMIT 1


Function Specification Example
ascii ascii(string T) -> integer SELECT ascii(name.keyword) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
concat concat(str1, str2) -> string SELECT concat('hello', 'world') FROM my-index LIMIT 1
concat_ws concat_ws(separator, string, string…) -> string SELECT concat_ws("-", "Tutorial", "is", "fun!") FROM my-index LIMIT 1
left left(string T, integer) -> T SELECT left('hello', 2) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
length length(string) -> integer SELECT length('hello') FROM my-index LIMIT 1
locate locate(string, string, integer) -> integer or locate(string, string) -> INTEGER SELECT locate('o', 'hello') FROM my-index LIMIT 1, SELECT locate('l', 'hello', 3) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
replace replace(string T, string, string) -> T SELECT replace('hello', 'l', 'x') FROM my-index LIMIT 1
right right(string T, integer) -> T SELECT right('hello', 1) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
rtrim rtrim(string T) -> T SELECT rtrim(name.keyword) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
substring substring(string T, integer, integer) -> T SELECT substring(name.keyword, 2,5) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
trim trim(string T) -> T SELECT trim(' hello') FROM my-index LIMIT 1
upper upper(string T) -> T SELECT upper('helloworld') FROM my-index LIMIT 1


Function Specification Example
avg avg(number T) -> T SELECT avg(2, 3) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
count count(number T) -> T SELECT count(date) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
min min(number T, number) -> T SELECT min(2, 3) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
show show(string T) -> T SHOW TABLES LIKE my-index


Function Specification Example
if if(boolean, es_type, es_type) -> es_type SELECT if(false, 0, 1) FROM my-index LIMIT 1, SELECT if(true, 0, 1) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
ifnull ifnull(es_type, es_type) -> es_type SELECT ifnull('hello', 1) FROM my-index LIMIT 1, SELECT ifnull(null, 1) FROM my-index LIMIT 1
isnull isnull(es_type) -> integer SELECT isnull(null) FROM my-index LIMIT 1, SELECT isnull(1) FROM my-index LIMIT 1

These functions are only available in the WHERE clause. For their descriptions and usage examples in SQL and PPL, see Full-text search.

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