Building an observability workflow

OpenSearch has traditionally approached the goal of data visualization in a very static fashion. Dashboards and visualizations display a static projection of the underline data. Modern tools - with a special focus on Observability products, have changes the experience into a flow based. This means that the user focus would be on the continued process of refining and enhancing the investigation process (in the Observability use case) to identify the malfunctioning software components. Our goal in this presentation is to show how OpenSearch Dashboard is adopting this modern approach and allowing the builders community to evolve their static dashboards into a dynamic flow based ones. We are presenting the multi-layered tools approach that will allow builder to create and evolve their domain related use cases in a natural and UX appealing way


Wednesday, September 25 3:30pm-4:00pm in Continental BR 1-3

Track: Analytics, Observability, and Security


Lior Perry photograph

Lior Perry

AWS senior software development engineer