Building Your First OpenSearch Dashboards Plugin: A Hands-On Demo

OpenSearch Dashboards plugins empower you to extend the functionality of OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards to suit your specific needs. In this interactive session, we’ll guide you through the process of creating your first dashboards plugin from scratch.

We’ll start with the fundamentals and you’ll gain practical experience as we walk through each stage of the development process, providing clear explanations and hands-on examples along the way. By the end of the session, you’ll have a fully functional plugin ready to integrate into your OpenSearch Dashboards environment.

Even if you are not making your own plugin, this session will deepen your understanding of dashboards plugins as a whole. We’ll discuss how plugins fit into the OpenSearch Dashboards ecosystem and common pitfalls that developers face when making contributions. You’ll learn best practices for plugin development, including how to leverage existing functionalities that OpenSearch Dashboards provides.

Whether you’re a system administrator seeking to fully customize your OpenSearch Dashboards instance or a developer looking to make your first dashboards plugin contribution, this session is for you. Join us as we demystify the world of OpenSearch Dashboards and its plugins.


Wednesday, September 25 1:00pm-1:40pm in Continental BR 7-9

Track: Community


Derek Ho photograph

Derek Ho

Software Engineer at Amazon