How Attribute based access control(ABAC) can solve different customer use-cases and be the future of FGAC

In this presentation, we will explore various industry-standard access control mechanisms and briefly cover the evolution of authorization. We’ll focus on different access control methods, such as Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC), within the context of OpenSearch Security plugin’s fine-grained access control features.

We’ll delve into how the current features—including roles, document-level security, and field-level security with dynamic substitution—can be leveraged to address diverse use cases, such as segregating results based on entity attributes.

Additionally, we’ll discuss future enhancements planned for the OpenSearch Security plugin. These proposed improvements aim to provide more robust context-based access control (ABAC) and expand support for a wider range of use cases.

By the end of this talk, attendees will have a comprehensive understanding of:

  1. The evolution of access control mechanisms
  2. Current OpenSearch Security plugin features and their applications
  3. Upcoming developments in access control for OpenSearch


Wednesday, September 25 9:15am-9:55am in Continental BR 7-9

Track: Analytics, Observability, and Security


Prabhat Chaturvedi photograph

Prabhat Chaturvedi

Software Development Manager at AWS - OpenSearch
Shikhar Jain photograph

Shikhar Jain

Senior Software Engineer, AWS