Revolutionizing Observability with Proactive Anomaly Prediction and Preemptive Remediation Using AI, Open Search, and Open Telemetry

Observability has historically been a reactive science. Artificial Intelligence provides a unique way to bring forth a proactive approach to the field of observability through a combination of anomaly simulation, preemptive remediation and actionable explainability. When built on a foundation of a vector database, a powerful search engine and native visualization that is Open Search; while keeping it rooted in open source and open standards by leveraging Open Telemetry, we aim to predict anomalies before they impact the system performance, thereby automating remediation actions. Through this product, we aim to enhance system reliability, reduce downtime, reduce spend and improve operational efficiency across the enterprise.


Tuesday, September 24 4:30pm-5:15pm in Continental BR 1-3

Track: Analytics, Observability, and Security


Mallika Iyer photograph

Mallika Iyer

Co-founder at Metric Wolf