
Getting started with multilayer maps in OpenSearch

Mar 15, 2023 • technical-post

OpenSearch 2.5 introduced new multilayer maps for visualizing geographical data. Displaying multiple layers on a map lets you show data from different sources at different zoom levels. Additionally, in OpenSearch...

OpenSearch Project Newsletter - Volume 1, Issue 2

Mar 13, 2023 • community

The OpenSearch Project is pleased to present our newsletter. Distributed monthly, the newsletter is a great way to learn more about the latest OpenSearch news, relevant content from the community,...

OpenSearch Project Q1 community survey results

Mar 12, 2023 • community

Thank you to the OpenSearch community members who responded to our Q1 community survey! Our first quarterly survey focused on understanding who our users are, what they use OpenSearch for,...

Simple NGINX dashboards with Fluent Bit and OpenSearch

Mar 06, 2023 • technical-post

Fluent Bit is a graduated sub-project under the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Fluentd project umbrella. Fluent Bit integrates with hundreds of common tools such as Kafka, Syslog, Loki, and,...

Index Management UI enhancements

Mar 03, 2023 • technical-post

OpenSearch now provides a new interface you can use to execute common indexing and data stream operations. You can now perform create, read, update, delete (CRUD) and mapping operations for...

Announcing Data Prepper 2.1.0

Mar 02, 2023 • releases

Data Prepper 2.1.0 is now available for download! This release adds several new features to Data Prepper. Additionally, the maintainers have improved Data Prepper’s stability and performance. Many of the...

Introducing OpenSearch 2.6

Feb 28, 2023 • releases

OpenSearch 2.6.0 is now available, with a new data schema built to OpenTelemetry standards that unlocks an array of future capabilities for analytics and observability use cases. This release also...

Partner Highlight: Using OpenSearch to set up a hybrid system that uses text and vector search

Feb 24, 2023 • partners

On their own, text databases and vector search tools can add a lot of value to commercial workloads. A recent blog post by Noam Schwartz of OpenSearch Project Partner,,...

What’s new: OpenSearch Reporting CLI

Feb 14, 2023 • technical-post

The OpenSearch Project is happy to announce the release of the Reporting CLI, making it convenient to generate reports externally without logging in to OpenSearch Dashboards. This gives you the...

Building a semantic search engine in OpenSearch

Feb 13, 2023 • technical-post

Semantic search helps search engines understand queries. Unlike traditional search, which takes into account only keywords, semantic search also considers their meaning in the search context. Thus, a deep-neural-network-based semantic...

Apache Flink Connector for OpenSearch

Feb 10, 2023 • technical-post

Apache Flink and OpenSearch are widely known and successful open source projects. Even if you have never used them, it is likely you have heard or read about them in...

OpenSearch Project Newsletter - Volume 1, Issue 1

Feb 02, 2023 • community

The OpenSearch Project is pleased to present our first newsletter. Distributed monthly, the newsletter is a great way to learn more about the latest OpenSearch news, relevant content from the...

OpenSearch Project 2022 recap and what's next

Jan 25, 2023 • technical-post

What an amazing year for the OpenSearch community! As we head into 2023, we wanted to take a look back at what we were able to accomplish in 2022 as...

OpenSearch 2.5 is live!

Jan 24, 2023 • releases

OpenSearch 2.5.0 is ready for download! This year’s first release focuses on investments in core functionality, including new and improved ways to administer your clusters as well as tools for...

Introducing identity and access control for OpenSearch

Jan 18, 2023 • technical-post

The existing OpenSearch1 access control features included in the Security plugin let administrators apply access control to indexes and cluster actions so that users have the right permissions2 and the...