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The geoip_service extension configures all geoip processors in OpenSearch Data Prepper.


You can configure the GeoIP service that Data Prepper uses for the geoip processor. By default, the GeoIP service comes with the maxmind option configured.

The following example shows how to configure the geoip_service in the data-prepper-config.yaml file:

      database_refresh_interval: PT1H
      cache_count: 16_384


The GeoIP service supports the MaxMind GeoIP and GeoLite databases. By default, Data Prepper will use all three of the following MaxMind GeoLite2 databases:

  • City
  • Country
  • ASN

The service also downloads databases automatically to keep Data Prepper up to date with changes from MaxMind.

You can use the following options to configure the maxmind extension.

Option Required Type Description
databases No database The database configuration.
database_refresh_interval No Duration How frequently to check for updates from MaxMind. This can be any duration in the range of 15 minutes to 30 days. Default is PT7D.
cache_count No Integer The maximum cache count by number of items in the cache, with a range of 100–100,000. Default is 4096.
database_destination No String The name of the directory in which to store downloaded databases. Default is {data-prepper.dir}/data/geoip.
aws No aws Configures the AWS credentials for downloading the database from Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
insecure No Boolean When true, this options allows you to download database files over HTTP. Default is false.


Option Required Type Description
city No String The URL of the city in which the database resides. Can be an HTTP URL for a manifest file, an MMDB file, or an S3 URL.
country No String The URL of the country in which the database resides. Can be an HTTP URL for a manifest file, an MMDB file, or an S3 URL.
asn No String The URL of the Autonomous System Number (ASN) of where the database resides. Can be an HTTP URL for a manifest file, an MMDB file, or an S3 URL.
enterprise No String The URL of the enterprise in which the database resides. Can be an HTTP URL for a manifest file, an MMDB file, or an S3 URL.


Option Required Type Description
region No String The AWS Region to use for the credentials. Default is the standard SDK behavior for determining the Region.
sts_role_arn No String The AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) role to assume for requests to Amazon S3. Default is null, which will use the standard SDK behavior for credentials.
aws_sts_header_overrides No Map A map of header overrides that the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role assumes when downloading from Amazon S3.
sts_external_id No String An STS external ID used when Data Prepper assumes the STS role. For more information, see the ExternalID documentation in the STS AssumeRole API reference.
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