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The otel_logs_source source is an OpenTelemetry source that follows the OpenTelemetry Protocol Specification and receives logs from the OTel Collector in the form of ExportLogsServiceRequest records.

This source supports the OTLP/gRPC protocol.


You can configure the otel_logs_source source with the following options.

Option Type Description  
port int Represents the port that the otel_logs_source source is running on. Default value is 21892.  
path string Represents the path for sending unframed HTTP requests. You can use this option to support an unframed gRPC request with an HTTP idiomatic path to a configurable path. The path should start with /, and its length should be at least 1. The /opentelemetry.proto.collector.logs.v1.LogsService/Export endpoint is disabled for both gRPC and HTTP requests if the path is configured. The path can contain a ${pipelineName} placeholder, which is replaced with the pipeline name. If the value is empty and unframed_requests is true, then the source provides the path /opentelemetry.proto.collector.logs.v1.LogsService/Export.  
max_request_length No ByteCount The maximum number of bytes allowed in the payload of a single gRPC or HTTP request. Default value is 10mb.
request_timeout int Represents the request timeout duration in milliseconds. Default value is 10000.  
health_check_service Boolean Enables the gRPC health check service under Default value is false.  
proto_reflection_service Boolean Enables a reflection service for Protobuf services (see ProtoReflectionService and gRPC reflection). Default value is false.  
unframed_requests Boolean Enables requests that are not framed using the gRPC wire protocol. Default value is false.  
thread_count int The number of threads to keep in the ScheduledThreadPool. Default value is 500.  
max_connection_count int The maximum number of open connections allowed. Default value is 500.  


You can configure SSL in the otel_logs_source source with the following options.

Option Type Description
ssl Boolean Enables TLS/SSL. Default value is true.
sslKeyCertChainFile string Represents the SSL certificate chain file path or Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) path. For example, see the Amazon S3 path s3://<bucketName>/<path>. Required if ssl is set to true.
sslKeyFile string Represents the SSL key file path or Amazon S3 path. For example, see the Amazon S3 path s3://<bucketName>/<path>. Required if ssl is set to true.
useAcmCertForSSL Boolean Enables TLS/SSL using a certificate and private key from AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). Default value is false.
acmCertificateArn string Represents the ACM certificate Amazon Resource Name (ARN). ACM certificates take precedence over Amazon S3 or local file system certificates. Required if useAcmCertForSSL is set to true.
awsRegion string Represents the AWS Region used by ACM or Amazon S3. Required if useAcmCertForSSL is set to true or sslKeyCertChainFile or sslKeyFile is the Amazon S3 path.


To get started, create a pipeline.yaml file and add otel_logs_source as the source:

    - otel_logs_source:


You can use the following metrics with the otel_logs_source source.

Option Type Description
requestTimeouts Counter Measures the total number of requests that time out.
requestsReceived Counter Measures the total number of requests received by the otel_logs_source source.
badRequests Counter Measures the total number of requests that could not be parsed.
requestsTooLarge Counter Measures the total number of requests that exceed the maximum allowed size. Indicates that the size of the data being written into the buffer is beyond the buffer’s maximum capacity.
internalServerError Counter Measures the total number of requests that are erroneous due to errors other than requestTimeouts or requestsTooLarge.
successRequests Counter Measures the total number of requests successfully written to the buffer.
payloadSize Distribution summary Measures the distribution of all incoming payload sizes.
requestProcessDuration Timer Measures the duration of request processing.
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