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aws_lambda integration for OpenSearch Data Prepper

The AWS Lambda integration allows developers to use serverless computing capabilities within their OpenSearch Data Prepper pipelines for flexible event processing and data routing.

AWS Lambda processor configuration

The aws_lambda processor enables invocation of an AWS Lambda function within your Data Prepper pipeline in order to process events. It supports both synchronous and asynchronous invocations based on your use case.

Configuration fields

You can configure the processor using the following configuration options.

Field Type Required Description
function_name String Required The name of the AWS Lambda function to invoke.
invocation_type String Required Specifies the invocation type, either request-response or event. Default is request-response.
aws.region String Required The AWS Region in which the Lambda function is located.
aws.sts_role_arn String Optional The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume before invoking the Lambda function.
max_retries Integer Optional The maximum number of retries for failed invocations. Default is 3.
batch Object Optional The batch settings for the Lambda invocations. Default is key_name = "events". Default threshold is event_count=100, maximum_size="5mb", and event_collect_timeout = 10s.
lambda_when String Optional A conditional expression that determines when to invoke the Lambda processor.
response_codec Object Optional A codec configuration for parsing Lambda responses. Default is json.
tags_on_match_failure List Optional A list of tags to add to events when Lambda matching fails or encounters an unexpected error.
sdk_timeout Duration Optional Configures the SDK’s client connection timeout period. Default is 60s.
response_events_match Boolean Optional Specifies how Data Prepper interprets and processes Lambda function responses. Default is false.

Example configuration

  - aws_lambda:
      function_name: "my-lambda-function"
      invocation_type: "request-response"
      response_events_match: false
        region: "us-east-1"
        sts_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-lambda-role"
      max_retries: 3
        key_name: "events"
          event_count: 100
          maximum_size: "5mb"
          event_collect_timeout: PT10S
      lambda_when: "event['status'] == 'process'"


The processor supports the following invocation types:

  • request-response: The processor waits for Lambda function completion before proceeding.
  • event: The function is triggered asynchronously without waiting for a response.
  • batch: When enabled, events are aggregated and sent in bulk to optimize Lambda invocations. Batch thresholds control the event count, size limit, and timeout.
  • codec: JSON is used for both request and response codecs. Lambda must return JSON array outputs.
  • tags_on_match_failure: Custom tags can be applied to events when Lambda processing fails or encounters unexpected issues.


When configured for batching, the AWS Lambda processor groups multiple events into a single request. This grouping is governed by batch thresholds, which can be based on the event count, size limit, or timeout. The processor then sends the entire batch to the Lambda function as a single payload.

Lambda response handling

The response_events_match setting defines how Data Prepper handles the relationship between batch events sent to Lambda and the response received:

  • true: Lambda returns a JSON array with results for each batched event. Data Prepper maps this array back to its corresponding original event, ensuring that each event in the batch gets the corresponding part of the response from the array.
  • false: Lambda returns one or more events for the entire batch. Response events are not correlated with the original events. Original event metadata is not preserved in the response events. For example, when response_events_match is set to true, the Lambda function is expected to return the same number of response events as the number of original requests, maintaining the original order.


Note the following limitations:

  • Payload limitation: 6 MB payload limit
  • Response codec: JSON-only codec support

Integration testing

Integration tests for this plugin are executed separately from the main Data Prepper build process. Use the following Gradle command to run these tests:

./gradlew :data-prepper-plugins:aws-lambda:integrationTest -Dtests.processor.lambda.region="us-east-1" -Dtests.processor.lambda.functionName="lambda_test_function"  -Dtests.processor.lambda.sts_role_arn="arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/dataprepper-role

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