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The parse_json processor parses JSON data for an event, including any nested fields. The processor extracts the JSON pointer data and adds the input event to the extracted fields.


You can configure the parse_json processor with the following options.

Option Required Type Description
source No String The field in the event that will be parsed. Default value is message.
destination No String The destination field of the parsed JSON. Defaults to the root of the event. Cannot be "", /, or any white-space-only string because these are not valid event fields.
pointer No String A JSON pointer to the field to be parsed. There is no pointer by default, meaning the entire source is parsed. The pointer can access JSON array indexes as well. If the JSON pointer is invalid then the entire source data is parsed into the outgoing event. If the key that is pointed to already exists in the event and the destination is the root, then the pointer uses the entire path of the key.
parse_when No String Specifies under which conditions the processor should perform parsing. Default is no condition. Accepts an OpenSearch Data Prepper expression string following the expression syntax.
overwrite_if_destination_exists No Boolean Overwrites the destination if set to true. Set to false to prevent changing a destination value that exists. Defaults to true.
delete_source No Boolean If set to true then this will delete the source field. Defaults to false.
tags_on_failure No String A list of strings specifying the tags to be set in the event that the processor fails or an unknown exception occurs during parsing.


To get started, create the following pipeline.yaml file:

    - parse_json:

Basic example

To test the parse_json processor with the previous configuration, run the pipeline and paste the following line into your console, then enter exit on a new line:

{"outer_key": {"inner_key": "inner_value"}}

The parse_json processor parses the message into the following format:

{"message": {"outer_key": {"inner_key": "inner_value"}}", "outer_key":{"inner_key":"inner_value"}}}

Example with a JSON pointer

You can use a JSON pointer to parse a selection of the JSON data by specifying the pointer option in the configuration. To get started, create the following pipeline.yaml file:

    - parse_json:
        pointer: "outer_key/inner_key"

To test the parse_json processor with the pointer option, run the pipeline, paste the following line into your console, and then enter exit on a new line:

{"outer_key": {"inner_key": "inner_value"}}

The processor parses the message into the following format:

{"message": {"outer_key": {"inner_key": "inner_value"}}", "inner_key": "inner_value"}
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