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aws_lambda sink for OpenSearch Data Prepper

This page explains how to configure and use AWS Lambda with OpenSearch Data Prepper, enabling Lambda functions to serve as both processors and sinks.

aws_lambda sink

Configure the Lambda sink using the following parameters.

Field Type Required Description
function_name String Yes The name of the AWS Lambda function to invoke.
invocation_type String No Specifies the invocation type. Default is event.
aws.region String Yes The AWS Region in which the Lambda function is located.
aws.sts_role_arn String No The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume before invoking the Lambda function.
max_retries Integer No The maximum number of retries if the invocation fails. Default is 3.
batch Object No Optional batch settings for Lambda invocations. Default is key_name = events. Default threshold is event_count=100, maximum_size="5mb", and event_collect_timeout = 10s.
lambda_when String No A conditional expression that determines when to invoke the Lambda sink.
dlq Object No The dead-letter queue (DLQ) configuration for failed invocations.

Example configuration

  - aws_lambda:
      function_name: "my-lambda-sink"
      invocation_type: "event"
        region: "us-west-2"
        sts_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-lambda-sink-role"
      max_retries: 5
        key_name: "events"
          event_count: 50
          maximum_size: "3mb"
          event_collect_timeout: PT5S
      lambda_when: "event['type'] == 'log'"
        region: "us-east-1"
        sts_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-sqs-role"
        bucket: "<<your-dlq-bucket-name>>"


The invocation types are as follows:

  • event (Default): Executes functions asynchronously without waiting for responses.
  • request-response (Sink only): Executes functions synchronously, though responses are not processed.
  • batch: Automatically groups events based on configured thresholds.
  • dlq: Supports the DLQ configuration for failed invocations after retry attempts.

Data Prepper components use an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role assumption, aws.sts_role_arn, for secure Lambda function invocation and respect Lambda’s concurrency limits during event processing. For more information, see the AWS Lambda documentation.

Developer guide

Integration tests must be executed separately from the main Data Prepper build. Execute them with the following command:

./gradlew :data-prepper-plugins:aws-lambda:integrationTest -Dtests.sink.lambda.region="us-east-1" -Dtests.sink.lambda.functionName="lambda_test_function"  -Dtests.sink.lambda.sts_role_arn="arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/dataprepper-role

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