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The hasTags() function takes one or more string type arguments and returns true if all of the arguments passed are present in an event’s tags. If an argument does not exist in the event’s tags, then the function returns false.

For example, if you use the expression hasTags("tag1") and the event contains tag1, then OpenSearch Data Prepper returns true. If you use the expression hasTags("tag2") but the event only contains tag1, then Data Prepper returns false.


  "events": [
      "tags": ["tag1"],
      "data": {
        // ...
      "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
      "data": {
        // ...
  "expressions": [
      "expression": "hasTags(\"tag1\")",
      "expected_results": [true, true]
      "expression": "hasTags(\"tag2\")",
      "expected_results": [false, true]

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