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CAT pending tasks

Introduced 1.0

The CAT pending tasks operation lists the progress of all pending tasks, including task priority and time in queue.


GET /_cat/pending_tasks

Query parameters

The following table lists the available query parameters. All query parameters are optional.

Parameter Data type Description Default
cluster_manager_timeout String The amount of time allowed to establish a connection to the cluster manager node. N/A
format String A short version of the Accept header, such as json or yaml. N/A
h List A comma-separated list of column names to display. N/A
help Boolean Returns help information. false
local Boolean Returns local information but does not retrieve the state from the cluster manager node. false
s List A comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by. N/A
time String Specifies the time units, for example, 5d or 7h. For more information, see Supported units.
Valid values are: nanos, micros, ms, s, m, h, and d.
v Boolean Enables verbose mode, which displays column headers. false

Example request

The following example request lists the progress of all pending node tasks:

GET _cat/pending_tasks?v

Example response

insertOrder | timeInQueue | priority | source
  1786      |    1.8s     |  URGENT  | shard-started
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