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CAT count

Introduced 1.0

The CAT count operation lists the number of documents in your cluster.


GET /_cat/count
GET /_cat/count/{index}

Query parameters

The following table lists the available query parameters. All query parameters are optional.

Parameter Data type Description Default
format String A short version of the Accept header, such as json or yaml. N/A
h List A comma-separated list of column names to display. N/A
help Boolean Returns help information. false
s List A comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by. N/A
v Boolean Enables verbose mode, which displays column headers. false

Example requests

GET _cat/count?v

To see the number of documents in a specific index or alias, add the index or alias name after your query:

GET _cat/count/<index_or_alias>?v

If you want to get information for more than one index or alias, separate the index or alias names with commas:

GET _cat/count/index_or_alias_1,index_or_alias_2,index_or_alias_3

Example response

The following response shows the overall document count as 1625:

epoch      | timestamp | count
1624237738 | 01:08:58  | 1625
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