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CAT PIT segments

The CAT point-in-time (PIT) segments operation returns information about one or more PIT segments.


GET /_cat/pit_segments
GET /_cat/pit_segments/_all

Query parameters

The following table lists the available query parameters. All query parameters are optional.

Parameter Data type Description Default
bytes String The units used to display byte values.
Valid values are: b, kb, k, mb, m, gb, g, tb, t, pb, and p.
format String A short version of the Accept header, such as json or yaml. N/A
h List A comma-separated list of column names to display. N/A
help Boolean Returns help information. false
s List A comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by. N/A
v Boolean Enables verbose mode, which displays column headers. false

Request body fields

Field Data type Description
pit_id Base64 encoded binary or an array of binaries The PIT IDs of the PITs whose segments are to be listed. Required.

Example request

GET /_cat/pit_segments
    "pit_id": [

Example response

index  shard prirep ip            segment generation docs.count docs.deleted  size size.memory committed searchable version compound
index1 0     r _0               0          4            0 3.8kb        1364 false     true       8.8.2   true
index1 1     p _0               0          3            0 3.7kb        1364 false     true       8.8.2   true
index1 2     r _0               0          2            0 3.6kb        1364 false     true       8.8.2   true
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