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Cancel tasks

Introduced 1.0

The Cancel Tasks API cancels a task, stopping it from running in the cluster. Not all tasks can be canceled. To determine whether a task is cancelable, check the cancellable field in the Cancel Tasks API response.


POST /_tasks/_cancel
POST /_tasks/{task_id}/_cancel

Path parameters

The following table lists the available path parameters. All path parameters are optional.

Parameter Data type Description
task_id String The task ID.

Query parameters

The following table lists the available query parameters. All query parameters are optional.

Parameter Data type Description
actions List or String A comma-separated list of actions that should be returned. Keep empty to return all.
nodes List A comma-separated list of node IDs or names used to limit the returned information. Use _local to return information from the node you’re connecting to, specify the node name to get information from a specific node, or keep the parameter empty to get information from all nodes.
parent_task_id String Returns tasks with a specified parent task ID (node_id:task_number). Keep empty or set to -1 to return all.
wait_for_completion Boolean Waits for the matching task to complete. When true, the request is blocked until the task has completed. (Default: false)

Example request

The following request cancels any tasks currently running on opensearch-node1 and opensearch-node2:

POST _tasks/_cancel?nodes=opensearch-node1,opensearch-node2

Example response

The following response shows that a bulk write and update task were canceled without a node failure and provides additional information about the canceled tasks:

  "node_failures": [],
  "nodes": {
    "JzrCxdtFTCO_RaINw8ckNA": {
      "name": "opensearch-node1",
      "transport_address": "",
      "host": "",
      "ip": "",
      "roles": [
      "attributes": {},
      "tasks": {
        "JzrCxdtFTCO_RaINw8ckNA:54": {
          "node": "JzrCxdtFTCO_RaINw8ckNA",
          "id": 54,
          "type": "transport",
          "action": "indices:data/write/bulk",
          "status": "cancelled",
          "description": "bulk request to [test_index]",
          "start_time_in_millis": 1625145678901,
          "running_time_in_nanos": 2345678,
          "cancellable": true,
          "cancelled": true
    "K8iyDdtGQCO_SbJNw9dkMB": {
      "name": "opensearch-node2",
      "transport_address": "",
      "host": "",
      "ip": "",
      "roles": [
      "attributes": {},
      "tasks": {
        "K8iyDdtGQCO_SbJNw9dkMB:78": {
          "node": "K8iyDdtGQCO_SbJNw9dkMB",
          "id": 78,
          "type": "transport",
          "action": "indices:data/write/update",
          "status": "cancelled",
          "description": "updating document in [another_index]",
          "start_time_in_millis": 1625145679012,
          "running_time_in_nanos": 1234567,
          "cancellable": true,
          "cancelled": true
350 characters left

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