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Mapping parameters

Mapping parameters are used to configure the behavior of index fields. For parameter use cases, see a mapping parameter’s respective page.

The following table lists OpenSearch mapping parameters.

Parameter Description
analyzer Specifies the analyzer used to analyze string fields. Default is the standard analyzer, which is a general-purpose analyzer that splits text on white space and punctuation, converts to lowercase, and removes stop words. Allowed values are standard, simple, and whitespace.
boost Specifies a field-level boost factor applied at query time. Allows you to increase or decrease the relevance score of a specific field during search queries. Default boost value is 1.0, which means no boost is applied. Allowed values are any positive floating-point number.
coerce Controls how values are converted to the expected field data type during indexing. Default value is true, which means that OpenSearch tries to coerce the value to the expected value type. Allowed values are true or false.
copy_to Copies the value of a field to another field. There is no default value for this parameter. Optional.
doc_values Specifies whether a field should be stored on disk to make sorting and aggregation faster. Default value is true, which means that the doc values are enabled. Allowed values are a single field name or a list of field names.
dynamic Determines whether new fields should be added dynamically. Default value is true, which means that new fields can be added dynamically. Allowed values are true, false, or strict.
enabled Specifies whether the field is enabled or disabled. Default value is true, which means that the field is enabled. Allowed values are true or false.
format Specifies the date format for date fields. There is no default value for this parameter. Allowed values are any valid date format string, such as yyyy-MM-dd or epoch_millis.
ignore_above Skips indexing values that exceed the specified length. Default value is 2147483647, which means that there is no limit on the field value length. Allowed values are any positive integer.
ignore_malformed Specifies whether malformed values should be ignored. Default value is false, which means that malformed values are not ignored. Allowed values are true or false.
index Specifies whether a field should be indexed. Default value is true, which means that the field is indexed. Allowed values are true, false, or not_analyzed.
index_options Specifies what information should be stored in an index for scoring purposes. Default value is docs, which means that only the document numbers are stored in the index. Allowed values are docs, freqs, positions, or offsets.
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