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Additional plugins

There are many more plugins available in addition to those provided by the standard distribution of OpenSearch. These additional plugins have been built by OpenSearch developers or members of the OpenSearch community. While it isn’t possible to provide an exhaustive list (because many plugins are not maintained in an OpenSearch GitHub repository), the following plugins, available in the OpenSearch/plugins directory on GitHub, are some of the plugins that can be installed using one of the installation options, for example, using the command bin/opensearch-plugin install <plugin-name>.

Plugin name Earliest available version
analysis-icu 1.0.0
analysis-kuromoji 1.0.0
analysis-nori 1.0.0
analysis-phonetic 1.0.0
analysis-smartcn 1.0.0
analysis-stempel 1.0.0
analysis-ukrainian 1.0.0
discovery-azure-classic 1.0.0
discovery-ec2 1.0.0
discovery-gce 1.0.0
ingest-attachment 1.0.0
mapper-annotated-text 1.0.0
mapper-murmur3 1.0.0
mapper-size 1.0.0
query-insights 2.12.0
repository-azure 1.0.0
repository-gcs 1.0.0
repository-hdfs 1.0.0
repository-s3 1.0.0
store-smb 1.0.0
transport-nio 1.0.0

Installing plugins ingest-attachment plugin mapper-size plugin

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