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k-NN query

Use the knn query for running nearest neighbor searches on vector fields.

Request body fields

Provide a vector field in the knn query and specify additional request fields in the vector field object:

"knn": {
  "<vector_field>": {
    "vector": [<vector_values>],
    "k": <k_value>,

The top-level vector_field specifies the vector field against which to run a search query. The following table lists all supported request fields.

Field Data type Required/Optional Description
vector Array of floats or bytes Required The query vector to use for vector search. The data type of the vector elements must match the data type of vectors indexed in the knn_vector field searched.
k Integer Optional The number of nearest neighbors to return. Valid values are in the [1, 10,000] range. Required if either max_distance or min_score is not specified.
max_distance Float Optional The maximum distance threshold for search results. Only one of k, max_distance, or min_score can be specified. For more information, see Radial search.
min_score Float Optional The minimum score threshold for search results. Only one of k, max_distance, or min_score can be specified. For more information, see Radial search.
filter Object Optional A filter to apply to the k-NN search. For more information, see Vector search with filters. Important: A filter can only be used with the faiss or lucene engines.
method_parameters Object Optional Additional parameters for fine-tuning the search:
- ef_search (Integer): The number of vectors to examine (for the hnsw method)
- nprobes (Integer): The number of buckets to examine (for the ivf method). For more information, see Specifying method parameters in the query.
rescore Object or Boolean Optional Parameters for configuring rescoring functionality:
- oversample_factor (Float): Controls the oversampling of candidate vectors before ranking. Valid values are in the [1.0, 100.0] range. Default is 1.0 (no rescoring). To use the default oversample_factor of 1.0, set rescore to true. For more information, see Rescoring results.
expand_nested_docs Boolean Optional When true, retrieves scores for all nested field documents within each parent document. Used with nested queries. For more information, see Vector search with nested fields.

Example request

GET /my-vector-index/_search
  "query": {
    "knn": {
      "my_vector": {
        "vector": [1.5, 2.5],
        "k": 3

Example request: Nested fields

GET /my-vector-index/_search
  "_source": false,
  "query": {
    "nested": {
      "path": "nested_field",
      "query": {
        "knn": {
          "nested_field.my_vector": {
            "vector": [1,1,1],
            "k": 2,
            "expand_nested_docs": true
      "inner_hits": {
        "_source": false,
      "score_mode": "max"

Example request: Radial search with max_distance

The following example shows a radial search performed with max_distance:

GET /my-vector-index/_search
    "query": {
        "knn": {
            "my_vector": {
                "vector": [
                "max_distance": 2

Example request: Radial search with min_score

The following example shows a radial search performed with min_score:

GET /my-vector-index/_search
  "query": {
    "knn": {
      "my_vector": {
        "vector": [7.1, 8.3],
        "min_score": 0.95

Specifying method parameters in the query

Starting with version 2.16, you can provide method_parameters in a search request:

GET /my-vector-index/_search
  "size": 2,
  "query": {
    "knn": {
      "target-field": {
        "vector": [2, 3, 5, 6],
        "k": 2,
        "method_parameters" : {
          "ef_search": 100

These parameters are dependent on the combination of engine and method used to create the index. The following sections provide information about the supported method_parameters.

You can provide the ef_search parameter when searching an index created using the hnsw method. The ef_search parameter specifies the number of vectors to examine in order to find the top k nearest neighbors. Higher ef_search values improve recall at the cost of increased search latency. The value must be positive.

The following table provides information about the ef_search parameter for the supported engines.

Engine Radial query support Notes
nmslib (Deprecated) No If ef_search is present in a query, it overrides the index.knn.algo_param.ef_search index setting.
faiss Yes If ef_search is present in a query, it overrides the index.knn.algo_param.ef_search index setting.
lucene No When creating a search query, you must specify k. If you provide both k and ef_search, then the larger value is passed to the engine. If ef_search is larger than k, you can provide the size parameter to limit the final number of results to k.


You can provide the nprobes parameter when searching an index created using the ivf method. The nprobes parameter specifies the number of buckets to examine in order to find the top k nearest neighbors. Higher nprobes values improve recall at the cost of increased search latency. The value must be positive.

The following table provides information about the nprobes parameter for the supported engines.

Engine Notes
faiss If nprobes is present in a query, it overrides the value provided when creating the index.

Rescoring results

You can fine-tune search by providing the ef_search and oversample_factor parameters.

The oversample_factor parameter controls the factor by which the search oversamples the candidate vectors before ranking them. Using a higher oversample factor means that more candidates will be considered before ranking, improving accuracy but also increasing search time. When selecting the oversample_factor value, consider the trade-off between accuracy and efficiency. For example, setting the oversample_factor to 2.0 will double the number of candidates considered during the ranking phase, which may help achieve better results.

The following request specifies the ef_search and oversample_factor parameters:

GET /my-vector-index/_search
  "size": 2,
  "query": {
    "knn": {
      "my_vector_field": {
        "vector": [1.5, 5.5, 1.5, 5.5, 1.5, 5.5, 1.5, 5.5],
        "k": 10,
        "method_parameters": {
            "ef_search": 10
        "rescore": {
            "oversample_factor": 10.0

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