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Template query

Introduced 2.19

Use a template query to create search queries that contain placeholder variables. Placeholders are specified using the "${variable_name}" syntax (note that the variables must be enclosed in quotation marks). When you submit a search request, these placeholders remain unresolved until they are processed by search request processors. This approach is particularly useful when your initial search request contains data that needs to be transformed or generated at runtime.

For example, you might use a template query when working with the ml_inference search request processor, which converts text input into vector embeddings during the search process. The processor will replace the placeholders with the generated values before the final query is executed.

For a complete example, see Query rewriting using template queries.


The following example shows a template k-NN query with a "vector": "${text_embedding}" placeholder. The placeholder "${text_embedding}" will be replaced with embeddings generated by the ml_inference search request processor from the text input field:

GET /template-knn-index/_search?search_pipeline=my_knn_pipeline
  "query": {
    "template": {
      "knn": {
        "text_embedding": {
          "vector": "${text_embedding}", // Placeholder for the vector field
          "k": 2
  "ext": {
    "ml_inference": {
      "text": "sneakers" // Input text for the ml_inference processor

To use a template query with a search request processor, you need to configure a search pipeline. The following is an example configuration for the ml_inference search request processor. The input_map maps document fields to model inputs. In this example, the ext.ml_inference.text source field in a document is mapped to the inputText field—the expected input field for the model. The output_map maps model outputs to document fields. In this example, the embedding output field from the model is mapped to the text_embedding destination field in your document:

PUT /_search/pipeline/my_knn_pipeline
  "request_processors": [
      "ml_inference": {
        "model_id": "Sz-wFZQBUpPSu0bsJTBG",
        "input_map": [
            "inputText": "ext.ml_inference.text" // Map input text from the request
        "output_map": [
            "text_embedding": "embedding" // Map output to the placeholder

After the ml_inference search request processor runs, the search request is rewritten. The vector field contains the embeddings generated by the processor, and the text_embedding field contains the processor output:

GET /template-knn-1/_search
  "query": {
    "template": {
      "knn": {
        "text_embedding": {
          "vector": [0.6328125, 0.26953125, ...], 
          "k": 2
  "ext": {
    "ml_inference": {
      "text": "sneakers",
      "text_embedding": [0.6328125, 0.26953125, ...] 


Template queries require at least one search request processor in order to resolve placeholders. Search request processors must be configured to produce the variables expected in the pipeline.

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